The COVID 19 Project tests the hypotheses that citizens, provided with information and tools can be trusted to address the complex problems in their community and nationally.
Get Involved
Citizens and civil society organizations interested in supporting and joining the COVID 19 Project are welcome.
Join us for our online event at the occasion of the beginning of the Citizen Commission (Details to come)

This is version 1.0 (very early stage) of the citizen commission any feedback is greatly appreciated as we develop future versions.
COVID- 19 Citizen Commission publicly examines available information and documents related to the origin, response, and communication of events occurring since the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was identified December 2019, in Wuhan, China. When appropriate we will invite relevant stakeholders to participate. The effort will lead to citizen oriented suggestions and an agenda to reclaim the role of the citizen in the body politic.
The Citizen Commission
The Citizen Commission: The COVID-19 Pandemic (Website)
The COVID-19 Commission Setting the Stage (Landing Page)
The COVID-19 Citizen Commission Overview and Plan (Document)
Invite to Citizens Commission to Explore the COVID 19 Pandemic and Propose a Path Forward.
The COVID-19 Project
The COVID-19 Pandemic Project Strategic Plan (Document)
Citizenism in Action: Overview and the COVID 19 Pandemic Project

Featured Topic
March 2023
The Press, Media, Journalism and Social Media
Strategic Plan for the exploration of the media's response to COVID-19 and plans for the future (Document)
The Media and the COVID 19 Pandemic (Blog)
The Challenge and Opportunity of Digital Technology and Social Media for Western Democracy
The CDC January 17, 2020 Press Briefing
Mapping the COVID-19 time line
Media Case Studies
Citizen Commission Forum Deliberation
Forum discussion about the media ecosystem
The COVID 19 Pandemic the Challenge for Media and Journalism
How should the Public Address Misinformation, Conspiracy Theories, Fake-news and Bullshit?
The challenges of experts and expertise in media reports and social media
Toward a citizen focused media ecosystem for the 21st century
Blog: James Madison and Public Opinion
Checklist for the media: outlets, reporters and publications (Crowdsourcing)
The COVID 19 Citizen Commission Citizen Toolbox
The Case Presentation: a vehicle for citizens to collaborate, identify, analyze, develop, implement, and monitor a solution based “treatment plan” for medical problems.
Timeline: a crowdsources timeline reflecting the unfolding and efforts to address COVID-19 by various stakeholders
Ecosystem: a way to clearly illustrate the complex ecosystem of the COVID-19 pandemic and to highlight the various stakeholders, their roles, and dynamics.
Citizen Briefs: a stand alone document addressing a particular societal challenge and its components
Checklist: a form that facilitates taking action and improves interaction with various stakeholders and improves your activity.
Data: agree upon, important, easy to use and accessible data that is and relevant.
Tracers: a way to visualize analyze the development over time and response to aspects of the COVID-19
Blog: a place for information sharing of discussion
Forum: a space for dialogue and deliberation about COVID-19 related issues
Groups: A meeting space for people sharing desire to address the challenges associated with COVID-19 and related issues
Crowdsourcing: a shared information base framed as a foundation for exploration of possible solutions to challenges is crucially important in collaborative problem solving.
Upcoming Sessions for the Citizens Commission
The COVID 19 Pandemic Ecosystem and Stakeholders
The COVID 19 Pandemic Stakeholders
The Media and Mass Communication
The United States
Public Health Ecosystem
Medical Ecosystem
The Academic and Research Ecosystem
The People
The Private (commercial) Ecosystem
The financial markets
The business community
Not for Profit
Schools and Education
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Case Studies
The New York Times
The Atlantic
John Oliver
Coronavirus and COVID 19
Case Study of Patient with COVID 19
The Case of Seattle
The Citizen Commission Version 1.0 Overview with Coggle (Link to website)