The COVID 19 Project tests the hypotheses that citizens, provided with information and tools can be trusted to address the complex problems in their community and nationally.
Get Involved
Citizens and civil society organizations interested in supporting and joining the COVID 19 Project are welcome.
Join us for our online event at the occasion of the beginning of the Citizen Commission (Details to come)

NGA develops innovative solutions to today’s most pressing public policy challenges. Find out more about how governors are leading the way in problem-solving — and serving a crucial role in bringing together leaders across North America.
NGA Website YouTube Channel
Apr 6, 2020
Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo address their states' recent efforts to stem the spread of the coronavirus. Individual action to stay home, keep social distance, is vital to flatten the curve of COVID-19 infections. As testing becomes more available, states will be able to implement contact tracing to assist in slowing the spread of infections. Additionally, governors are calling on people to donate blood, help food banks, help each other get through this tough time. The economic impact on workers and businesses has been severe, and governors are working to mitigate the impact of the virus on public health, safety and the economy.
The National Governors Association & State Government
In this section you will learn more about issues related to public policy associated with the Covid 19 Pandemic on the state level:
1. What are the challenges on the state level
2. What actions have the states taken
3. What is the National Governors Association doing
February 8th, 2020 NGA’s Chair, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan opens the National Governors Association 2020 Winter Meeting, on February 8th in Washington, D.C., with an overview of his Chair’s initiative -- Infrastructure: Foundation for Success. Learn more at: https://www.nga.org #WeTheStates
Remarks by the Honorable Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State at February 9th, 2020 Governors meeting (About China)
The Tenth Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Passed by Congress September 25, 1789. Ratified December 15, 1791. The first 10 amendments form the Bill of Rights

Governors are working closely with federal and local officials as well as private sector partners to address the threat of the novel coronavirus. This section outlines actions taken by governors and state and territorial leaders to date. It is not intended to be exhaustive but is meant to highlight key actions and resources that may inform other states and territories as they prepare for and respond to the novel coronavirus.
State-level dataof testing, hospitalizations, death due to COVID-19

The State Ecosystem

State Check List

State Best Practice
Strategies for COVID-19 Response for Older Adults and People with Disabilities (Pdf)

Citizen Toolbox
Association of State and Territorial Health Official
National Governors Association Website
Current Information On The Status Of COVID-19 In The United States And Abroad, What Actions States/Territories Have Taken To Address It, And The Latest Efforts By The Federal Government.
NGA Memos and Activities
Communications to the federal government and best practices for managing the coronavirus crises.
What is the current state of coronavirus in the United States and abroad?
Latest numbers from the CDC and Johns Hopkins
What steps have states taken to address coronavirus?
A quick look at high-level response actions, as well as a state-by-state resource pages and select actions
What steps has the federal government taken to address coronavirus?
A timeline of select federal actions.
Select Operational and Policy Resources
Federal, state, local, and NGO resources for fighting coronavirus.
Jump to a topic: Funding | Testing | Planning & Preparedness | Legal | Operational Coordination | Communications | Supply Chain And Health System Readiness | Special Considerations For Vulnerable Populations | Long Term Care | Health Insurance | Human Services | Housing | Economic Development And Employers | Workforce And Labor | Schools/Childcare And Universities | Public Safety | Elections
How Pennsylvania’s governor is battling the pandemic
A day on the frontline with Tom Wolf is an unnerving experience