The COVID 19 Project tests the hypotheses that citizens, provided with information and tools can be trusted to address the complex problems in their community and nationally.
Get Involved
Citizens and civil society organizations interested in supporting and joining the COVID 19 Project are welcome.
Join us for our online event at the occasion of the beginning of the Citizen Commission (Details to come)
The Resource Section will include numerous information sources related to the pain- opioid Ecosystem. Topics are geared to individuals, professionals, and organizations in the Coronavirus Virus and COVID-19 ecosystem. The section is divided into the following topics:
Infectious disease outbreaks, such as the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) increase fear and uncertainty. Knowing how to care for yourself and your family can reduce distress and allow people to function more effectively. These educational fact sheets provide information and recommendations for healthcare personnel, families, businesses, and communities on caring for yourself and your family during this emerging infectious disease outbreak.
www.cstsonline.org. coronavirus response from CSTS.
FACT SHEET: Taking Care of Your Family During Coronavirus and Other Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks
FACT SHEET: Sustaining the Well-Being of Healthcare Personnel during Coronavirus and other Infectious Disease Outbreaks
FACT SHEET: Taking Care of Patients During the Coronavirus Outbreak: A Guide for Psychiatrists
FACT SHEET: Leaders’ Guide to Risk Communication in the Face of Coronavirus and Other Emerging Public Health Threats
FACT SHEET: Coronavirus Preparedness & Response: Critical Elements for Business Planning
Additional Resources
Additional free fact sheet resources at the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress
CDC: About Human Coronaviruses
CDC: Summary and Information for Coronavirus
From the White House Coronavirus Task Force
MHS: Coronavirus: What providers, patients should know
WHO: Novel Coronavirus Advice for the public
WHO: Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
The mission of Our World in Data is to make data and research on the world’s largest problems understandable and accessible.
WHO: Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19) 17 April 2020
endCoronavirus.org is built and maintained by the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) and collaborators. Our goal is to minimize the impact of the Coronavirus COVID-19 by providing useful data and guidelines for action
COVID-19 FAQ What you need to know about the novel coronavirus, how it’s transmitted, and how you can protect yourself.
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
COVID-19: Johns Hopkins University Experts Discuss Novel Coronavirus
WHO: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Information about COVID-19 in the United States
Coronavirus advisory information World Health Organization
Coronavirus Q&A World Health Organization
Coronavirus condition overview World Health Organization
Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve” (Washington Post)
Coronavirus Live Updates (NYTimes)
Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now (Medium)
COVID Tech Handbook: Resources for Doctors (Crowdsourced)
COVID-19 Maps & visuals (CIDRAP)
What You Should Know (CDC)
COVID-19 Disease Resources (WHO)
COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment (JAMA)
Tracking Every Coronavirus Case in the U.S.: Full Map (NYTimes)
A detailed guide to the coronavirus drugs and vaccines in development (STAT)
Identifying Communities at Risk of COVID-19 (XY.AI)
COVID-19 Visual Project archive
Peter Attia Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) Information
National Academies: COVID-19 Responses & Resources
As the COVID-19 pandemic grips the nation and the world, the National Academies are rapidly mobilizing critical expertise in science, engineering, and medicine to inform government response and recovery efforts with evidence-based guidance, and are facilitating collaboration across research disciplines and between the public and private sectors.
For 30+ years, Foresight Institute has been steering imaginations of flourishing futures, and the technologies that get us there. Our work includes technical competitions to advance crucial technologies, strategy groups for ensuring the beneficial use of those technologies and public salons to educate the public and give everyone a stake in positive long-term futures. We launched the website Existentialhope.com as a collaborative onboarding document about positive futures directed at the next generation, providing a few shortcuts to find out what is at stake for civilization and how to plug in. The focus is specifically on ambitious, exciting futures, rather than dystopian narratives, to encourage the next generation to dream big again.
This report groups ideas for change into the buckets of health, investment & philanthropy, default institutions, governance architectures, coordination technologies, civil responsibility, sense-making systems, global resilience, planetary ecosystem, diverse worlds, culture & arts, flourishing.

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Daily reports
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Daily reports, real-time, and testing data
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