The COVID 19 Project tests the hypotheses that citizens, provided with information and tools can be trusted to address the complex problems in their community and nationally.
Get Involved
Citizens and civil society organizations interested in supporting and joining the COVID 19 Project are welcome.
Join us for our online event at the occasion of the beginning of the Citizen Commission (Details to come)
John Oliver

“no one can take the place of the [news] media during this (COVID-19) pandemic in providing the public with information and analysis, and in countering rumors and distortions.”
Antonio Gutteres , The UN Secretary General
John Oliver
Coronavirus: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 13,875,528 views. Mar 1, 2020
Journalists, Media Organizations and Social Media
Examining the role of the media in the COVID- 19 Pandemic
John Oliver "Coverage" of the Coronavirus at LastWeekTonight
Since March 1st, 2020 John Oliver dedicated most of his 30 minute HBO shows to examining various aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. He comedic approach to the reporting of the emerging pandemic were viewed by millions of people.
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Coronavirus II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 10,581,607 views. Mar 16, 2020
Coronavirus III: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 8,195,099 views. Mar 30, 2020
John Oliver discusses the crucial role of the World Health Organization, why Donald Trump is skeptical of it, and how his plans to withdraw the United States could have dire consequences.
With conspiracy theories about coronavirus proliferating, John Oliver discusses why we’re prone to believe, how to distinguish fact from fiction, and what you can do to help others.
With evictions set to rise due to the economic fallout caused by the coronavirus, John Oliver discusses the long struggle with housing in the US, why it’s gotten worse in recent months, and how to prevent an escalating crisis.
As COVID-19 continues to spread, John Oliver discusses what could cause the next pandemic, what we can do to avoid it, and why you shouldn’t kiss pigs.