The COVID 19 Project tests the hypotheses that citizens, provided with information and tools can be trusted to address the complex problems in their community and nationally.
Get Involved
Citizens and civil society organizations interested in supporting and joining the COVID 19 Project are welcome.
Join us for our online event at the occasion of the beginning of the Citizen Commission (Details to come)

The Government: Informing the public, generating public opinion
Social Media
The Private Sector
Take Action
The COVID-19 Pandemic Ecosystem
In the political ecosystem, the media plays a central role in providing a framework and process for citizens to be part of the solution to challenges within the body politic. What the COVID-19 pandemic reveals about the current state of the media, social media and journalism and what can the coverage of the pandemic teach up about how to build a media ecosystem that serves informed citizens in a republican democracy. We offer a comprehensive journalistic approach to address the complex challenges associated with the press and mass communication in our current times.
Transformed by digital technology, social, political and financial forces that have become the reality of life in the early 21st century, the media ecosystem and the multiple players that comprise it continue to play an important role in the lives of the citizens within their communities, nations and globally. Reporting that once required days and months to complete, is now expected to be made public in matter of hours if not minutes. News organizations that controlled print newspapers, magazines, radio and TV have become one of many sources for information transmission to the public. The citizen- depending on the media as a source for information, is easily overwhelmed with the amount of, the nature and conflicting information pushed at them.

Journalism School
Professional Organizations
Politcal culture
The Federal
The Executive Branch
The President
Surgeon General
The Military
The Legislative Branch
State Government
Health Department
Education Department
Attorney General
Local Government
Mayor /Commissioner
Public Health Department
Police Department
Press Release
Press Conference
Social Media
Cable Video
AM radio
Social Media
Town Hall
Q & A

Mainstream Media
AM Radio
Social Media
Digital Platforms
Local Media
Personal Media
Science Reporting
Online aggregator
Media Platform
Citizens & Citizen Groups
Facebook Groups
Citizen Apps
Yochai Benkler discusses political misinformation in the news media and considers the impacts of our reaction to misinformation on our Democracy. March 4th, 2020
Commons-based Peer Production
The Government: Informing the public, generating public opinion
Goal: The COVID19 Pandemic Federal and State Ecosystem Perspectives provides an overview of the various public and government stakeholders who are tasked with creating legislation, scientific research, law enforcement, treatment, regulatory, monitoring that impact the pandemic.
The International Community
WHO: World Health Organization
The US Federal Government
The Executive Branch
The President
Surgeon General
The Military
The Legislative Branch
State Government
Local Government
Learn more about the Government Communication
Press Release
Press Conference
Social Media

Mainstream Media

Social Media
Comments and readers’ input.
The New York Times: Comments: Personal Stories; Policy; Op-Ed Opinion: Business : US: Life: Impact: Politics: Healthy Living: Crime: Entertainment: World Post: Arts and Culture
The Washington Post Full coverage and resources
The Seattle Times
Wall Street Journal: Coronavirus and COVID-19 Pandemic
Huffington Post
Local Media

Cable Video
Social Media
Seattle Times
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Philadelphia Citizen
Resolve Philly: Equally Informed Philly is a free service of Resolve Philly, a champion for community-powered journalism. We aim to reduce barriers for residents who need trustworthy info to survive—and thrive—during COVID-19.
Alternative Media

Cable Video
Social Media
Foundations, Not-for -profit, academic organizations
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Knight Foundation is a national foundation with strong local roots. We invest in journalism, in the arts, and in the success of cities where brothers John S. and James L. Knight once published newspapers. Our goal is to foster informed and engaged communities, which we believe are essential for a healthy democracy.
The Democracy Fund
Lenfest Institute
Public organizations
Press conferences, briefings, etc.
Personal messages
Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Training Initiative COVID-19 Resources for Practitioners
Media tools
Mainstream Media
Social Media
Digital Platforms
Local Media
Personal Media
Science Reporting
COVID-19: Poynter Resources Poynter’s mission is to champion the duty of a free press to inform, educate and hold the powerful accountable. As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, journalists, fact-checkers, educators and students around the world look to Poynter for best practices in covering the most significant story of this generation. Thanks to donations and grants, Poynter is able to provide more resources, reporting and training for free.

Learn more Foundations
The Public: Citizens and Citizen Groups

Social Media

Take Action
Check list
The commercial sector

Goal: To understand the role of the private sector in the natural course of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moving Past the Pandemic With a Citizen Oriented Media

The potential of the leveraging of digital technology is inspired by Aaron Swartz, a pioneer in pushing for using digital technology for the common good. Swartz observed that,
“Change doesn’t come from thousands of people, all going their separate ways. Change requires bringing people together to work on a common goal. That’s hard for technologists to do by themselves. But if they do take that as their goal, they can apply all their talent and ingenuity to the problem. They can measure their success by the number of lives that have been improved by the changes they fought for, rather than the number of people who have visited their website. They can learn which technologies actually make a difference and which ones are merely indulgences. And they can iterate, improve, and scale.”
Take Action

The medical case presentation provides a well-established framework useful in addressing complex and multi-factorial issues that carry life and death consequence. The framework is particularly effective in situations that require intervention in the face of uncertainty. The medical case presentation confronts uncertainty and lays out a plan to achieve the best possible results. The medical case presentation draws people in to objective and non-partisan dialogue built on reliable data, openness, transparency and participation. It supports people in exploring the various elements contributing to a problem in order to generate a situational diagnosis and establish a meaningful treatment plan that is monitored over time. As data associated with the problem change, new information is gathered or new treatments become available, the case is easily updated.
The medical case presentation is a collaborative process consisting of the following general sections:
1. Define the problem to be addressed.
2. Research and provide relevant data needed for rational discussion of the problem.
3. Discuss the various options available, the barriers to action and the consequences of each action or inaction.
4. Formulate an action plan based on measurable outcomes, transparency, accountability and informed consent.
5. Apply the action plan, monitor outcomes and update the action plan.
In the next months we are initiating an experiment to explore the role of a coordinated citizen oriented effort to address a major social-political- economic challenge confronting the US. The effort, the COVID-19 Pandemic Project, utilizes digital technology through blogs, surveys, newsletters and crowdsourcing to provide wide access for many individuals and the democratization of information with real world facts rather than rhetoric to serve as a potent platform to build on the ideas and energy of many to make the process as useful and productive as it can be. The various sections of the COVID-19 case presentation as well as the citizen commission, will be presented over a period of weeks and ongoing discussion will be encouraged. Short and long term goals and plans will be developed and monitored.
Take part addressing COVID 19 Pandemic
The Citzen Commission