The COVID 19 Project tests the hypotheses that citizens, provided with information and tools can be trusted to address the complex problems in their community and nationally.
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COVID-19 Citizen Commission Version 1.0 :
The Press, Media, Journalism and Social Media

Starting March 2023
Featured Topic
The Press, Media, Journalism and Social Media
Strategic Plan for the exploration of the media's response to COVID-19 and plans for the future (Document)
The Media and the COVID 19 Pandemic (Blog)
The Challenge and Opportunity of Digital Technology and Social Media for Western Democracy
The CDC January 17, 2020 Press Briefing
Media Case Studies
Fox News
Citizen Commission Forum Deliberation
Forum discussion about the media ecosystem
The COVID 19 Pandemic the Challenge for Media and Journalism
How should the Public Address Misinformation, Conspiracy Theories, Fake-news and Bullshit?
The challenges of experts and expertise in media reports and social media
Toward a citizen focused media ecosystem for the 21st century
Blog: James Madison and Public Opinion
Checklist for the media: outlets, reporters and publications (Crowdsourcing)
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Passed by Congress September 25, 1789. Ratified December 15, 1791. The first of 10 amendments form the Bill of Rights
Examining the role of the media in the COVID- 19 Pandemic
The media plays and important role maintaining and enhancing our democracy, yet more and more Americans distrust the fragmented media.
Nearly a two years into the COVID 19 Pandemic we have no idea where this crisis is headed. But what we do know is that the coronavirus, in addition to being terrifyingly contagious, acts as an unusually merciless magnifying glass, showing the flaws in our politics, our healthcare system, our social safety net. And in our media.
Media outlet's coverage of the COVID- 19 pandemic illustrate the challenges and opportunities for the media in reporting and covering complex health, political social issues. As the shapers of public opinion, the media plays a crucial role within the COVID- 19 pandemic ecosystem.
The overall goal of the exploration of the media as a stakeholder is to evolve a framework for engaging citizens and facilitating public opinion based on reliable information and recognition of the centrality of the citizen in the body politic.
“no one can take the place of the [news] media during this (COVID-19) pandemic in providing the public with information and analysis, and in countering rumors and distortions.”
Antonio Gutteres , The UN Secretary General
The Hutchins Commission’s five essential mandates for the press:
first, providing “a truthful, comprehensive, and intelligent account of the day’s events”;
second, furnishing a forum for discussion of “all the important viewpoints and interests in the society”;
third, offering a “representative picture” of society and its various groups;
fourth, educating the public on “the ideals towards which the community should strive”; and
fifth, making information available to everybody.
From; How Can the Press Best Serve a Democratic Society? Michael Luo The NewYorker July 11, 2020
“I want to know why didn't journalists take the first reports in January from China more seriously because if you read those reports the entire unfolding of this pandemic is described in five papers we (the Lancet) published in the last week of January and yet they were largely ignored. I don't understand why journalists didn't understand the significance of WHO's declaration of a public health emergency of international concern that it on January 31st that is a red alert to the world that should have triggered action and it didn't. Where were journalists in February when the epidemic was spreading and tens of thousands of deaths could have been prevented if there had been greater attention paid to that spreading pandemic? I don't fully understand why journalists have colluded with a political narrative that has emphasized this cynophobia.”
The COVID 19 Pandemic: The Challenge for Media and Journalism
“The primary purpose of journalism is to provide citizens with the information they need to be free and self-governing.”
The Elements of Journalism, Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel
The goal
The goal of the citizen commission media stakeholder focus is to explore the challenges of and provide a journalistic framework that can enhance the performance of the media. The approach addresses the many challenges facing the media in the digital era. The “symptom” of the COVID-19 Pandemic is explored as a vehicle to address the political challenges inherent in society and to provide a case study to help understand the complexity of challenges facing our ”body politic” and the potential for the media to contribute to the role for political discourse and “public opinion” in the public sphere.
The Challenge:
"Why didn’t we see this coming sooner? And once we did, why didn’t we sound the alarm with more vigor?"
In the political ecosystem, the media plays a central role in providing a framework and process for citizens to be part of the deliberations addressing challenges to the body politic. How do we establish and maintain a vibrant media that facilitates meaningful deliberation and dialogue in the public sphere. With the citizen commission we examine the current state of the media and offer a comprehensive framework to an emerging journalistic approach to address the complex challenges associated with the COVID 19 pandemic and other social political challenges.
Questions posed for the citizen commission media focus
How to understand the COVID 19 media ecosystem and the role of journalism in 2022?
How has and is the media covering the COVID-19 pandemic and what does it reveal about the current state of the media?
What does the media coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic teach us about the challenges and opportunities for the media ecosystem?
What will a media ecosystem that serves informed citizens and facilitate public opinion and dialogue in a republican representative democracy look like in the twenty-first century ?
What should be the role of the media in facilitating public opinion and dialogue in the public sphere?
How should the Media respond to fake information and misinformation?
Nearly a year into the COVID-19 Pandemic, as we head into the next phase, with new challenges facing the global community, and the impact of the measures to contain it is becoming more clear, it’s worth looking back to assess how the media performed, how it could have done better as the virus broke out of China and headed to the US, how could it have helped frame public opinion, how can it provide reliable up to date information, how to report on the political and related policy response locally, nationally and globally. By examining critically these areas with a complexity lens we develop a new framework for the media, journalism, and public opinion for the current moment, and for addressing challenging complex problems in society. The media stakeholder focus of the citizen commission will endeavor to provide a framework for more meaningful citizen engagement with societal challenges that allow for a contextualized media framework to include investigative reporting, data journalism, accountability journalism, social media.
Points to Consider
The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 has dramatically reshaped social relations and the political landscape in many ways
The pandemic has captured and continues to hold the attention of citizens through out the world.
The flow of information around the globe has been remarkable altered by digital technology and social media
The media plays an important role in maintaining and enhancing our democracy, yet more and more Americans distrust the fragmented media. (Print, Radio, TV, internet, social media, podcasts)
As the shapers of public opinion, the media plays a crucial role within the COVID-19 Pandemic ecosystem.
The Media’s coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic illustrates the challenges and opportunities for the media in reporting and covering complex social issues.
Because of its complexity and multifactorial elements , the COVID 19 Pandemic presents an opportunity to test a way to be more relevant to major social challenges and test a journalistic approach that addresses some of the challenges confronting all of the media.
Fake news and misinformation are prevalent and consume much of the reporting about the COVID- 19 pandemic.
Description of Stakeholder:
Media outlets coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic illustrate the challenges and opportunities for the media in reporting and covering complex and complicated biological, social, economic, political issues. As the shapers of public opinion, the media plays a crucial role within the COVID-19 Pandemic. The citizen commission will examine When complete this section will include the latest articles, social media, lectures and related information relevant to the COVID-19 Pandemic Case. Their role however is diminished by the changing nature of the business models reshaping the media landscape. This is particularly unfortunate given the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on so many levels of American society.
The Role of the Media in Addressing Social and Political Challenges
The media provides comprehensive news and information associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic as well as a place to share ideas that inform and influence citizens in their political roles.
What is the role of the media to inform and educate citizens to take a meaningful role in the political process?
What news organizations are meeting their responsibility to provide a meaningful framework including relevant facts to enable public deliberation?
Will the involvement of the ownership of the various media outlets, or not for profit lead to “experimentation” with innovative formats to enable “healthier” citizen deliberations?

News Outlets
The Washington Post
Fox News
Seattle Times
Social Media
Berkeley Conversations - COVID-19 and the Media: The Role of Journalism in a Global Pandemic Streamed live on May 6, 2020
Foreign Affairs July/August 2020 Issue Launch: Democracy, Autocracy, and the Pandemic
Streamed live on June 29th, 2020
Foreign Affairs with Executive Editor Daniel Kurtz-Phelan and contributors Danielle Allen and Francis Fukuyama discuss the challenge of the media (Start 23').
How Can the Press Best Serve a Democratic Society?
In the nineteen-forties, a panel of scholars struggled over truth in reporting, the marketplace of ideas, and the maintenance of a free and responsible press. Their deliberations are more relevant than ever.
By Michael Luo The NewYorker July 11, 2020
Americans are losing faith in an objective media. A new Gallup/Knight study explores why. August 4th, 2020
Illiberal Media: Democracy in Danger Podcast. Nicole Hemmer
Overview of the Media Stakeholder. Click here to go to Coggle website
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