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“There was a reason freedom of speech and freedom of the press were placed first among our essential rights. Our founders understood that the free exchange of ideas and the ability to hold power to account were prerequisites for a successful democracy. But a dangerous confluence of forces is threatening the press’s central role in helping people understand and engage with the world around them.”

A. G. Sulzberger  Jan. 1, 2018 NY Times A Note From Our New Publisher



The Project Behind a Front Page Full of Names

A presentation of obituaries and death notices from newspapers around the country tries to frame incalculable loss.

The New York Time 

The New York Times and other media outlets coverage of the COVID 19 pandemic illustrates the challenges and opportunities for the media in reporting and covering complex social issues. What should be the role of the media in our society? What would Madison’s expectation of public opinion as a foundation of democracy contribute to the role of the media… The media’s societal purpose, supported by the founding fathers' view of the essential role of the media to promotes public discussion that promotes government action. In a changing media landscape with digital platforms proliferating how can we leverage these developments to support citizens in their political engagement. 

By reviewing the NYTimes reporting about  the  Coronavirus and  COVID-19 Pandemic and to invite you to explore a more comprehensive approach the Times can improve its coverage and achieve the impact that can have a meaningful impact on the epidemic. The New York Times coverage included news items, human stories, Op-eds and editorials as well as book reviews and interviews. The number of comments made, letters to the editor reflect an interest in the challenges. During the early stages of the Pandemic, over 120, 000 people died in the US and led to devastating economic impact, as the pandemic continues to spread there will be a crucial role for the media to play.  The number of comments made, letters to the editor reflect an interest in the challenges. 

What if  The New York Times lead the way in providing a framework for more meaningful citizen engagement with societal challenges that allow for a contextualize framework to include investigative reporting, data journalism, accountability journalism.

The Times is providing free access on the coronavirus crisis. Start here for a guide to all our coverage.  

Read our coverage on the global coronavirus outbreak, including live updates, health and safety information, frequently asked questions and more.

The Role of the Media in Addressing Social and Political Challenges 

In the political ecosystem, the media plays a central role in providing a framework and process for citizens to be part of the solution. We offer a comprehensive journalistic approach to address the complex challenges associated with the pain opioid epidemic.      Go to media as a stakeholder 

Examining The New York Times's coverage of COVID 19 Pandemic 


The Journalists Changing Roles During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Reporters and editors are relying on past experience to serve new roles created to cover the pandemic.   Video

Visualizing The Potential for The New York Times as a contributor to Public Opinion 


I  invite you to visualize how The New York Times  across its various platforms can play a major role to address the complexity of the opioid epidemic, a major social, health, political, political, economic, social justice and criminal justice challenge facing our nation.

Media Bias: New York Times

A Proposal

When complete this section will include the latest articles, social media, lectures and related information relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


The New York Times  as a central stakeholder to a meaningful “solution” for the COVID-19 Pandemic.   

NYT CEO Mark Thompson, appearing on the CNN show reliable sources: Coronavirus is an opportunity to 'prove the value of trustworthy news', the NYTimes experience was discussed with the editor  New York Times reaches a record 6 million subscribers but ad revenue falls by double digits

Mark Thompson: What’s Gone Wrong with the Language of Politics?

Enough Said: What’s Gone Wrong With the Language of Politics? by Mark Thompson – review

Politics and Language in the Age of Trump

Recorded on: 27 September 2017

Mark Thompson

How did changes in political language influence the Brexit vote and the US election? And what do these changes mean for…


Play | Download: Audio


A.G. Sulzberger:

The Unfailing “New York Times” Released on 10/10/2018

A.G. Sulzberger, Sam Dolnick, and David Perpich of “The New York Times” discuss the renowned newspaper’s inevitable evolution and unchanging DNA with MSNBC’s Richard Stengel.

The Times is providing free access on the coronavirus crisis. Start here for a guide to all our coverage.  

Read our coverage on the global coronavirus outbreak, including live updates, health and safety information, frequently asked questions and more.

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