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Citizen Brief

Stakeholders Involved

Research Community 

Academic Community 

Hospitals -Systems 

Public Health Agencies (State Local) 

Federal Government

Executive Branch 




Private sector

The public 


Research Associated with COVID-19 


Establish a framework for research that can guide treatment for the prevention and treatment of COVID 19 

Incorporating research outcomes to clinical and social treatments. 



Provide an overview and recommendations for best practice for research 


The Challenge:

Provide evidence-based strategies based on credible research for  COVID 19.

1. Basic Research on the Virus  

2. Research for prevention

3. Research for treatments 

Take Action 

COVID 19 Research Explained 

COVID-19 Question / Answer with Dr. Seheult - June 7, 2020

Research in the COVID 19 Era 

Basic Research about  the Virus 

 At a population level, detection enables mapmaking: quantifying the size and the sources of infection and tracking its movements. For an individual patient, it enables plan-making: assessing whether you’ve been infected and should be isolated, and tracing whom you’ve put at risk. In the later stages of a pandemic, the ability to test on a wide scale allows agencies to concentrate on hot spots and contain them with limited, local lockdowns.


Anchor 1
COVID 19 Clinical Research  

General information and guidelines 

Although the World Health Organization had distributed a quarter of a million tests, manufactured by a German lab and widely used elsewhere, the F.D.A. had authorized only the C.D.C. kit. 

National Academy of Medicine: COVID-19 Testing: What It Measures, Who Gets It, & How Much Is Needed

Rapid Expert Consultation on SARS-CoV-2 Laboratory Testing for the COVID-19 Pandemic (April 8, 2020) 

Anchor 2
Research of COVID 19 Transmission 

General information and guidelines 

Anchor 3
Translating Research to Clinical Practice 

General information and guidelines 

The Race for a Vaccine: Balancing the Promise, the Peril, & the Process

Ensuring global access to COVID-19 vaccines


What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine

Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus.  By Bill Gates.  April 30, 2020


Guidelines and Recommandations 

FDA Pushed Through Scores of Inaccurate Antibody Tests Without Agency Review (Politico) The Food and Drug Administration is dealing with a flood of inaccurate coronavirus antibody tests after it allowed more than 120 manufacturers and labs to bring the tests to market without an agency review.


General Media: 

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