About: It is clear that not all health care encounters achieve the best result nor the best value for the cost we spend. There is increasing information about health care outcomes and more reporting on the performance of various healthcare stakeholders. Best Care4Me provides specific information about your medical condition for the goal of achieving the best health and medical care outcomes.
Use: How does your prevention profile compare with the best practice? What does optimal care look like for these populations? Learn what is available so you can set the outcomes you expect.
Example: The user gets information about the best care and guidelines for medical conditions with which they have been diagnosed. They utilize other tools and features of My Personal Health Manager to enhance their patient experience.
The goal of My Personal Health Manager’s Best Care 4 Me modules is to help you maintain or regain optimal health through prevention and when necessary receiving the appropriate care for your medical condition.
For example, My Personal Health Manager headache module will help you to:
Record your condition related to medical history
Set your goals for the management of your condition
Create your action plan to achieve your goal in addressing your condition
Create your condition related health and wellness contract
Monitor the symptoms and problems associated with your condition
Prepare for and achieve the best result for healthcare contact with your Personal Health Network
Prepare for Clinician Visit (Click here for form)
During the Clinician Visit (Click here for form)
After the Clinician Visit (Click here for form)
Initial visit with a healthcare provider
Complete the headache-related medical history
Prior treatments you tried and work up
Medications and response
Follow up visit with a healthcare provider
Learn about optimal care of your condition
Prevention and risk assessment of your condition
Self-care for your condition
Assess your risk for medical conditions
Diagnosis of your condition
Management of your condition
Resources related to your condition
Decision support information and tool for choosing
the right action for your condition's management
Best practice information about the treatment of your
Checklists and guidelines for the care of your
Research and clinical trials for your condition

The Headache Module provides you with the information and tools you need to manage your headache and
achieve the best outcome.
The Hypertension Module includes tools, information and other related items to help achieve the best outcomes.
The Solutogenesis Module is all about helping you achieve your Optimal Health..