My Health Ecosystem
About: My Health Ecosystem provides information about specific assets and related aspects of your physical and related environment.
Uses: Learn about the environment in which you live and in particular identify resources and assists to achieve optimal well being. Use your zip code to learn about the quality of your environment.
Example: You can get an overview of the healthy-ness of your community by checking its health ranking learning about the availability of health-promoting spaces. My Health Ecosystem enables you to get more information about how your environment is impacting your health and wellness. You can learn about:

Health status of my community
Learn about the health status of your community including the health care institutions (Hospitals, EMS, Emergency and Acute Care) , the quality of the enviornement (Air Quality, cultural, educational, open spaces, Parks ) and other aspects of the community (Poice, education, cultural and related institutions).

My home and social environment
Political Environment
Religious institutions
Cultural and educational activity
My digital environment and communities

Give my community a check up
What Makes a Healthy Community?
A healthy community is one where people have the opportunity to make healthy choices, in environments that are safe, free from violence, and designed to promote health. Factors that influence health range from early childhood education to quality housing and jobs, and include many other areas of community development such as financial inclusion, access to health clinics and healthy food, sustainable energy, and transportation.