Action that will allow you to achieve the best personal outcome in addressing the challenge of Pain, Opioid Use, and Opioid Dependence.
Goal: To help you achieve optimal health, wellbeing and to thrive as a human being
The Pain Opioid Epidemic touches all of us to varying degrees. Some of us are struggling with a family member who is in the hell of opioid addiction, others suffer from severe pain and fear the availability of opioids for relief, others are dependent on opioids prescribed for minor trauma, still, others are in treatment for the disease of opioid dependence.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for general knowledge and is not intended as a medical diagnosis or treatment recommendation. Consult your health care provider for the diagnosis and treatment of medical issues.

Get Personal
Your Health Tools to Optimize Personal Wellbeing

My Personal Health Manager
My Personal Health Manager empowers you in your health care activity by providing you information and tools to record, maintain, understand, monitor, communicate, and improve your health. My Personal Health Manager is particularly powerful when used in conjunction with your healthcare network and health ecosystem. Using my Personal Health Manager can help you achieve your optimal health and excellent well-being.

My Personal Health Network
About: My Personal Health Network provides you with easy-to-use tools to create and easily visualize your healthcare network. The goal is to facilitate achieving the best healthcare outcomes for you and your family.
Uses: In order to achieve the best healthcare outcomes and get the best value, you need your Personal Health Network.
Example: You can use My Personal Health Network to share your advance directives with relevant members of your team.

My Personal Health Ecosystem
About: My Personal Ecosystem provides an overview of the various stakeholders, rules, and environment that impacts the complexity of the challenge of achieving well being especially in the context of pain or addiction.
Uses: You can learn about the various medical professionals and institutions that provide medical services for individuals suffering from pain and or addiction.
Example: Learn about the options for pain management healthcare providers that can help you if you developed lower back pain. Find out about how they are rated and clarify the actual cost of care.
Get Personal: Managing Pain

The Optimal Pain Management Program’s goal is to assist you in achieving optimal wellness through the prevention and management of pain. (Safe, Timely, Effective, Efficient Equitable and Patient-centered).
Take action:
Use the Personal Health Manager Pain Module to achieve optimal health
Manage My Pain
My Check List
Learn about pain and its management:
Headache joint pain cancer pain back-pain
Tools to help you work with your health professionals
Treatment selection
The pain treatment checklist
My Health Network
Learn about your pain related medical providers
Develop your personal health team
Medical Team
My Health Ecosystem: Information about specific assets related to aspects of your physical and social environment.
Explore your personal Ecosystem
Get Personal: Opioid Use

The Optimal Opioid Use Management Program’s goal is to assist you in achieving optimal wellness through the prevention and management of Opioid Use. (Safe, Timely, Effective, Efficient Equitable and Patient-centered) The Opioid Use Management program is one of the pillars to address the challenges of Opioid use in general and the role that legitimate medical care contributes to Opioid Use Disorder.
Take action:
Use the Personal Health Manager Opioid Use Module to achieve optimal health
Learn about opioids and their side effects
My Check List
Learn about Opioid Use and its management:
Decisions in Recovery: Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
Concerned about using opiates?
Tools to help you work with your health professionals
Treatment selection
The opioid use treatment checklist
Patient Information Guide on Long-term Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain
My Health Network
Learn about your pain related medical providers
Develop your personal health team
Medical Team
My Health Ecosystem: Information about specific assets related to aspects of your physical and social environment.
Explore your personal Ecosystem
Do you use drugs or drink alcohol? Are these substances harming your health or increasing your risk for other problems?
This website can help you find out.
How Do You Know There is a Problem? (PdF)
A good rule of thumb is that your alcohol or drug consumption might be causing problems when it interferes with your:
Work or school. • Mental well-being. • Family. • Relationships. • Spirituality. • Money. • Physical health. • Self-respect. • Legal record. is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing peer support communities for those with addiction disorders and their families and friends. These forums are funded in whole by individuals whose lives have been touched by addiction in one way or another.
Get Personal: Opioid Dependence & Addiction and Sobriety

Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social, and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors.
Addiction is characterized by the inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response. Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.
Take action:
Use the Personal Health Manager Opioid Use Module to achieve optimal health
Learn about opioids and their side effects
What is the best treatment setting for me?
Medication-assisted treatment: information for family and friends
My Check List
Learn about Opioid Use and its management:
Concerned about using opiates?
Tools to help you work with your health professionals
Treatment selection
The Opioid Use treatment checklist
Treatment selection: What is the best treatment setting for me?
My Health Network
Learn about your pain related medical providers
Develop your personal health team
Medical Team
Tools work with your health professionals
My Health Ecosystem: Information about specific assets related aspects of your physical and social environment.
Explore your personal Ecosystem
National healthcare providers
Do you use drugs or drink alcohol? Are these substances harming your health or increasing your risk for other problems?
This website can help you find out.
How Do You Know There is a Problem? (PdF)
A good rule of thumb is that your alcohol or drug consumption might be causing problems when it interferes with your:
Work or school. • Mental well-being. • Family. • Relationships. • Spirituality. • Money. • Physical health. • Self respect. • Legal record.
Insurance Parity: Resource Guide for Addiction & Mental Health Consumers, Providers and Advocates
How to Appeal a Health Insurance Denial
Mental Health and Addiction Insurance Help
Do you have Insurance Questions about Mental Health or Addiction Services?
Support Groups: A support group is NOT treatment. Click on the links below to find out more about the various support groups and meeting schedules for your area: is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing peer support communities for those with addiction disorders and their families and friends. These forums are funded in whole by individuals whose lives have been touched by addiction in one way or another.
SMART Recovery
Moderation Management
HAMS Network
Women for Sobriety
LifeRing Secular Recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous (other 12 step groups are also available)