Get Political
Actions you can undertake within your political ecosystem to have a meaningful impact on the Pain-Opioid Epidemic.

We believe that an engaged citizenry, informed, passionate and respectful, is essential not only for our democratic process but also to achieve results that reflects the “common good” and achieves greatness for our nation.
The Get Political section helps you learn the issues and the skills needed to participate in the deliberate process of demanding solutions from our political representatives. The resources in this section will help you track regulators and other public servants responsible for shaping our healthcare system – and hold them accountable.
to help you make sure your political input counts and help you exercise your civic duty locally and nationally.
to help all of us achieve a healthy political system that enables all of us to achieve Optimal Wellness and to reach our bio-psycho-social-spiritual potential
An engaged citizenry, participating in a process driven by values of “shared recognition of our common humanity” and compromise, is an antidote to the current toxic conversation. Make sure your political input count, get political exercise your civic duty locally and nationally.

How do I fit into the political ecosystem?
In order to actively participate in our politics, locally, state, and nationally (Globally) we need to be informed about political and public institutions, our representatives, and other government officials. My Political Ecosystem provides easy access to your specific ecosystem from local to national as well at the tools to actively participate in our democracy.
Citizen Tool Box
Using My Political Toolbox to achieve optimal political well-being
Current technology allows us to rewire the body politic through information technology. These tools allow unprecedented opportunity to get access to information, mobilize, challenge misinformation to provide for a more deliberative dialogue.
Use the Checklist
Being a citizen is challenging and complex. Checklists have been used to improve outcomes in various fields. We introduce the checklists to facilitate taking action and interact with various stakeholders. Developing a checklist is a continuous process. The various checklists will be made public and improved upon as we go along with the Pain- Opioid Epidemic Project.

City and County


Citizenism: My Political Toolbox
Citizenism builds of The Medical Case Presentation structure as an organizing framework for a citizen-oriented treatment plan that provides a comprehensive, multi-stakeholder and multi-phase road map for citizen involvement in their political ecosystem.
Make Your Voice Heard
Information Sources
Personal Experience
Freedom of Information (FOIA)
Open Government
The following are general resources that may be useful to you in your efforts to take part in your political ecosystem.
Freedom of Information
Letter to Editor
Join an Organization
ASK THEM (Project of the Participatory Politics Foundation)
Contact Federal Elected Officials
President Donald Trump and the White House
Contact the White House.
U.S. Senators
Contact your state’s senators in the U.S. Senate.
U.S. Representatives
Contact your representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Contact State Elected Officials
State Governors
Contact your state governor.
State Legislators
Find the names and current activities of your state legislators.
Contact Local Elected Officials
Local Elected Officials
Get the contact information for mayors of U.S. cities and other local government representatives.
Communicating Effectively with Elected Officials
Learn how to communicate effectively with your elected leaders.
See examples of letters written to elected officials on various issues .
Your Citizen Toolbox for the 21st Century
Learn about public policy associated with pain and opioids
Learn about the position of your political representatives
Contact the media
Review the political action checklist
Public Consultation Europian Union
All EU and non-EU citizens and stakeholders are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are sought from individuals, local, regional and national authorities, international and regional organizations, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, third countries, social partners, and civil society.
Stakeholder Contact:
Get Political with the Drug Policy Alliance
Congressional Representatives
Carry our message directly to their members of congress about needed change in policy and legislation to stem the national epidemic of opioid addiction. For those supporters planning to contact their members of congress, we offer the following guidance:
Call the office of your US Senators or members of the House of Representatives and request a brief amount of time to discuss the opioid epidemic and its impact on you and/or your family.
State your name and where you live.
Ask for a face-to-face meeting with your member of congress. Do not be disappointed if the Senator or Representative is unavailable and you are assigned a staff member. Congressional staff is important allies in conveying messages to your member.
If provided a meeting time, be prompt, be brief and be polite. Dress appropriately.
At the meeting with the member or designated representative, explain you have come to Washington, DC to ensure that the federal government does more to stem the tide of the epidemic before us.
Share the ideas outlined which will help raise awareness, reduce opioid overprescribing, enhance treatment for our loved ones and save lives.
Tell them you want your member of congress’ support.
Leave a copy of the platform after you have concluded your discussion.
Thank the member or staff member for their time.
Let us know if you had a successful meeting with your representative click here
City and County

Learn about the healthcare system
Hospitals and physicians (Checklist)
Contact hospital Chairman of the Board: Letter
Contact Medical Associations, Contact Dental Associations
Personal Letter to physicians
Educate Clinicians:
Work on training future professionals—in law, nursing, pharmacy, social work, student affairs, and medicine—because it all starts there;
Set up day of information in hospitals
Grand rounds
Public Reporting (link to blog)
Comprehensive plans for addressing pain and addiction:
Insurance Companies:
Review coverage