The right pain treatment for the right person at the right time at the right cost and without side effects
Cannabis Rx Basics
Medical Cannabis (Marijuana)
Cannabis has been used for medical purposes across the world for centuries. As states and countries implement medical and recreational cannabis policies, increasing numbers of people are using cannabis pharmacotherapy for pain. There is a theoretical rationale for cannabis’ efficacy for pain management, although the subjective pain relief from cannabis may not match objective measurements of analgesia. As more patients turn to cannabis for pain relief, there is a need for additional scientific evidence to evaluate this increase.
Content will be in various forms including articles, infographs, interviews, links to other websites, video and other media forms.
Cannabis Overview
Cannabis for pain disorders
How to use cannabis most effectively
Legal issues
Cannabis for Pain Disorder
Initial visit checklist (regular pdf)
Medicinal Cannabis for Chronic Pain Provider Decision Tree
Case Vignettes
My Personal Health Manager
Integrated care with cannabis in the treatment of pain
Get Personal: My health and Wellbeing
Make an Informed Decision
How to Access Medical Cannabis
How to Choose Medical Cannabis
How to Use Medical Cannabis Effectively
Contact with the Healthcare System
Initial treatment
Initial visit checklist (regular pdf)
Acute pain
Follow up treatment
Provider decision tree
Cannabinoid checklist
Get Social: My Community
Citizen Science: Research using cannabis in acute and chronic pain conditions
Forum: Cannabis for pain conditions
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Cannabis for chronic pain
Cannabis for neuropathic pain
Cannabis for arthritic pain