Physician David Casarett was tired of hearing hype and half-truths around medical marijuana, so he put on his skeptic's hat and investigated on his own. He comes back with a fascinating report on what we know and what we don't -- and what mainstream medicine could learn from the modern medical marijuana dispensary.
Goals and outcomes
The right treatment
for the right patient at the right setting at the right time and the right cost.
Healthcare Providers: Cannabis Education and Clinical Practice
Current information on the use of medicinal cannabis for the treatment of various conditions, with a focus on chronic pain, neuro-cognitive disorders (dementia), traumatic brain injury, and cancer.
This section is developed for health professionals, including physicians, nurses, osteopaths, pharmacists, and physician assistants.
It includes a basic primer on the mechanism of action of medicinal cannabis, its medical uses, and current law. Additionally it focuses on on the best clinical practices associated with the recommendation of medicinal cannabis. The section provide tools that may be useful to health care providers in their discussion with patients about the use of medicinal cannabis in the treatment of medical conditions and monitoring its utilization.
Content will be in various forms including articles, infographs, interviews, links to other websites, video and other media forms.
Introduction to the use of Cannabis in the medical setting
The biology of the Endocanaboinoid System
Care for the patient in the community
Resources for achieving optimal outcomes
BBC Documentary 2017 - Medical Cannabis: The Wonder Weed - 2017 Full Documentary
Incorporating Medical Cannabis Into My Clinical Practice
Overview of the Role of Medical Cannabis in Clinical Practice
Pro and Con: I didn't go to medical school to Rx Weed
Becoming Certified: Logistical Details
On Issuing Cannabis Recommendations
Model Guidelines for the Recommendation of Marijuana in Patient Care Report
Practical considerations in medical cannabis administration and dosing
Medical Professional Checklist
Ethical issues in medical cannabis use
Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program Information for Clinicians
Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Program (Pdf)
Becoming a certified cannabis care provider
Patient information pamphlet, PA
Medical Marijuana Authorization Form
1. Conducted a patient consultation in a manner appropriate to make a medical determination as to the patient’s serious medical condition(s) indicated above.
Create forms for patient consultation
Medicinal Cannabis for Chronic Pain Provider Decision Tree
2. I have made a diagnosis of a serious medical condition for the above patient for which the patient will receive a therapeutic or palliative medical benefit from the use of medical marijuana.
Review particular data about the patient's medical condition
3. I have established a medical record for the patient and shall maintain that medical record while the patient is under my continuing care treatment.
Initial Medical Assessment of the Patient Asking about Medical Cannabis
4. I have consulted the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program database to review whether the patient has been recently dispensed any controlled substances that would prohibit or pose a risk for the patient to obtain medical marijuana.
Consult the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Login
Provide guidelines for use of combined meds
5. I have received an informed consent statement from the patient, or if applicable, an informed consent statement from the patient’s caregiver, custodial parent, legal guardian or spouse that includes an explanation of the potential risks and benefits of the medical use of marijuana.
Informed consent form