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Help establish healthy communities and environment
Goal: to help you engage in your social environment and health ecosystem in order to achieve Optimal Wellness and healthy community
Explore your health ecosystem
Give your community, hospitals and other stakeholders a check up
Diagnose the problems gather data
Demand transparency, accountability and public reporting by and of stakeholders
Explore your health ecosystem
My Ecosystem provides information about specific assets and related aspects of your physical and related environment.
Go to Your Health Ecosystem
Concerned about friend/family member?
Use My Personal Health manager
My Personal Health Manager is designed to help you achieve optimal health by building on an understanding of what it takes to create Optimal Health (Salutogenesis) and utilized the latest in digital technology and resources to support you in your health journey.
Go to My Personal Health Manager
impact of the Opiate Epidemic on your community
Find out the impact of the Opiate Epidemic on your community.
Find out the various stakeholders that are involved in the opiate epidemic.
Support stakeholders taking action to treat the challenges of the epidemic.
Find ways to participate
Support Citizen Orgnizations
The mission of The FED UP! Coalition is to create one voice calling for an end to the epidemic of addiction and overdose deaths attributed to opioids (including heroin) and other prescription drugs.
Medicare Opioid Drug Prescribing Map
The interactive mapping tool available below shows geographic comparisons, at the state, county, and ZIP code levels, of de-identified Medicare Part D opioid prescription claims – prescriptions written and then submitted to be filled – within the United States. This new mapping tool allows the user to see both the number and percentage of opioid claims at the local level and better understand how this critical issue impacts communities nationwide. The data used in this mapping tool is from 2013 Medicare Part D prescription drug claims prescribed by health care providers and does not contain beneficiary information. By openly sharing data in a secure, broad, and interactive way, CMS and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) believe that this level of transparency will inform community awareness among providers and local public health officials.