Take Action
Without an informed and involved population, there’s no way to enrich our democracy and ensure that national and local policies serve the needs of the public. Unless individuals call for the change we want to see, we’ll lose out to special interests and the ideological positions of our elected officials.
Get Personal: make a commitment to your health and wellness
Goal: to help you achieve optimal health, wellbeing and to thrive as a human being
The Get Personal Section helps you with the following concerns:
In pain?
On pain medications?
Concerned about using Opioids?
Concerned about friend/family member?
Get Social: get involved to establish healthy communities and environment
Goal: to help you engage in your social environment and health ecosystem in order to achieve Optimal Wellness and healthy community
Explore your health ecosystem
Give your community, hospitals and other stakeholders a check up
Diagnose the problems gather data
Demand transparency, accountability and public reporting by and of stakeholders
Get Political: exercise your civic duty locally and nationally
Goal: to help you make sure your political input counts.
The Get Political section helps you learn the issues and the skills needed to participate in the deliberate process of demanding solutions from our political representatives. The resources in this section will help you track regulators and other public servants responsible for shaping our healthcare system – and hold them accountable.