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The Pain-Opioid Ecosystem

The pain ecosystem 


1. Federal Government

2. State government

3. Professional organizations

4. Medical professionals

5. Pharmaceutical companies



Connect to: The pain ecosystem checklist


The Pain Opioid Ecosystem provides an overview of the various stakeholders, rules and environment that impacts on the complexity of the challenge.

Along with the section on stakeholders, the Ecosystem features people and organizations who are tasked with creating legislation, scientific research, law enforcement, and treatment, private sector entities that impact the epidemic. The Pain Opioid Ecosystem (Review of System) is incorporated into the Opioid Epidemic Case Presentation and serve for testing the use of the case presentation in addressing policy challenges. It is the objective of the Opioid Epidemic Case Presentation to be used by local entities and to be easily configured to local needs and resources.


How do I fit into the Pain Opioid  ecosystem?


In order to actively participate in our politics, locally, state and nationally (Globally) we need to be informed about political and public institutions, our representatives and other government officials. My Political Ecosystem provides easy access to your specific ecosystem from local to national as well at the tools to actively participate in our democracy.


What can I do to make a difference in my ecosystem?


Our representative system of government is based of We the People actively taking part in our government.  There are many ways that we can all be engaged to make our collective life better. We provide suggestions for tools you can use to participate and make a difference.  

The Pain- Opioid Ecosystem section  includes an overview of the multiple stakeholders and relationships associated with Pain and  its treatment and opioid painkillers and heroin.  Topics are geared to individuals, professionals and organizations.  The pain-opioid ecosystem section is divided into the following subsections:




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