We The People @ 250
July 4th, 2023

National and Local Indicators 2022
"Our society faces multiple systemic crises, requiring unprecedented collaboration among stakeholders and across levels and sectors, with enormous stakes and little time. Public officials, civic leaders, and concerned citizens are eager to gain easier access to objective, trusted sources of information on how their nation, state or city is really doing. They want to cut through biased agendas and find reliable facts for more productive public dialogue and action on a broad range of issues: Are our cities safe and secure? Are we getting the best education and health care? Are our levels of economic competitiveness, workforce development, and innovation up to global challenges? Are we providing effective stewardship of our environment?
Yet our democratic process has no widely- shared factual frame of reference to underpin problem solving and decision-making across highly interdependent issues. We do not have a freely available, easy-to-use, comprehensive source of the best and most relevant data to help American leaders and the public to understand and assess progress for themselves. Hence, choices are too often framed, discussed, and made on the basis of inadequate, hard-to-find, or incomplete data"
Get Politcal

Let your political representative know that you care about useful data
Suggest that local and state governments utilize indicators that reflect the recognition well being in important goal for all our citizens and government has a role to play and provide an atmosphere for achieving it. We the people seek to utilize the political system to “official and regularly conducted statistics on national happiness and well-being” to be introduced.
Take action by writing to your representative to ask them to lobby for National Accounts of Well-being in your country.
Well being & Health Status of Americans
Gross National Happiness

‘The Gross National Product counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and … the destruction of the redwood and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl… Yet [it] does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play… the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages… it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.’
Robert Kennedy, 1968
Goal: By July 4th, 2026 the healthcare status of Americans is optimal as measured by predetermined measures
Identify the health status of the population according to established indicators
Describe the community rating of health in various populations
What is the quality of life of people with chronic medical conditions? Verify clearly established excellent outcomes for all the population groups
The health of the Nation Measures:
The number of Americans reporting that their health is good or excellent.
The number of Americans experiencing various medical conditions.
The health status of communities
Healthcare Insurance Coverage: Coverage of all Americans with basic medical care, including prevention, acute care, chronic care, and end-of-life care. The coverage is citizen-based, lifelong, portable, and is independent of preexisting conditions, employment status, and age.
Goal: By July 4th, 2026 100% of the US population is insured
Review the various ways the US population receives insurance healthcare
Health of the Nation Measures:
How many Americans (percent) have affordable healthcare coverage that includes standard basic healthcare benefits?
The expenses of the different health insurance arrangements
Healthcare Quality: Quality care based on the latest evidence for healthcare that is:
Safe (no harm); Efficient (no waste); Effective (no needless failures); Patient-Centered (no helplessness or unjustified routines) and competent healthcare.
Goal: The US is recognized as #1 in quality of healthcare delivered
How many Americans have experienced medical errors in the medical care that they received?
How often are established guidelines for effective healthcare for all population groups followed?
What is the rate of mortality for various healthcare conditions such as heart disease, cancer, lung and neurological diseases?
The health of the Nation Measures:
Number of preventable medical errors
Use of guidelines to provide guidance for medical decisions.
Quality of Healthcare and Medical Services

Leading Health Indicators 2030 Advancing Health, Equity, and Well-Being
In 1979, Congress authorized the Secretary of Health and Human Services through Title XVII of the Public Health Service Act to set national disease prevention and health promotion goals and objectives. Starting with 1980 and for each subsequent decade, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has launched and overseen a Healthy People initiative. Like its predecessors, Healthy People 2030 (HP2030) includes a conceptual framework, a broad list of objectives organized by topics (objectives expected to be finalized by HHS in early 2020), and ultimately, a smaller set of high-level priority measures called Leading Health Indicators (LHIs, see Figure S-1, reprised from NASEM, 2019).
Access to Healthcare Services
Goal: By July 4th, 2026 every American has access to meaningful and actionable information of all healthcare stakeholders
Identify best practice for health care reporting for hospital practice
Develop a framework for presenting and utilizing actionable information for consumers
Provide information about health care-related information related to healthcare stakeholders
The Health of the Nation Measures:
Availability of information about the quality of care delivered by hospitals for specific health problems
Availability of information about insurance companies and other healthcare providers
Availability of information about cost and quality of care for specific health problems
Cost of Healthcare Services
Goal: Healthcare services are affordable and sustainable for individuals, businesses, and government.
What is the cost of healthcare for the nation? VA, Medicare, Medicaid, tax-exempt employer-provided healthcare?
What are the projected costs for federal healthcare expenditures?
What is the cost of healthcare to individuals and businesses?
The health of the Nation Measures:
Cost of healthcare policy
Cost for business
Cost for government