We The People @ 250
July 4th, 2023

Public Launch
July 2022
“Rather than feeling marginalized and helpless in the face of the array of problems facing our country and the world, and the inability of the politicians to address them, we have undertaken action to be part of the solution. We now invite fellow citizens to contribute a positive voice into the national conversation.”
Shimon Waldfogel

We the People @250 Yearly Focus
2022 Perinatal / Birth
2022 First 6 years
2023 Seven to twelve
2024 Twelve to Eighteen
2025 Eighteen to Sixty-five
2026 Sixty-five plus
Health of the Nation of We The People @250
Health of the Nation is a process leading to a yearly event that examines and celebrates the improvement of the Health of the Nation along "salutogenic" indicators of individual, community and national thriving and flourishing. Heath of the Nation is organized by Citizens4Health, a (small) group of committed citizens motivated by the belief that citizen engagement will contribute solutions to the big problems confronting our nation and the world.
Our Belief
We believe that the attainment of the highest possible level of health and well being and maximizing the potential for individual flourishing in healthy communities are fundamental human rights. We also take seriously the Declaration of Independence justification for government:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Declaration of Independence , United States July 4th, 1776
Our Vision
Healthy individuals in healthy communities engaged with a responsive political system dedicated to securing the right of all people to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness.
By July 4th 2026 every American has the opportunity to:
flourish and thrive
live and be part of a healthy community
be part of a responsive representative local and national political system
access quality affordable health care services
contribute to an ecosystem that supports well being and flourishing
Our Mission
To provide a framework and tools to change the conversation about our engagement with life from avoiding dis-ease to achieving optimal well being in our personal, social and political spheres.
Action Plan
We seek to engage fellow citizens in a process that creates a global society of individual-citizens that are supported in their quest to achieve the human right to a state of optimal health and to thrive and flourish. We do this by:
Provide a framework, Salutogenesis , that reframes our road map from avoiding dis-ease to achieving a state of optimal well being.
Introduce and invite fellow citzens to learn about their own well being and to engage in personal journey towards health.
Engage to add well being indicators to assessing the health of the nation.
Engage on the local and political level to lobby for social and environmental conditions that promote Salutogenesis.
Provide easy to use relevant data and information about various indications of the Health of the Nation.
Provide a framework for targeting social challenges through using the Case Presentation approach.