We The People @ 250
July 4th, 2023

We the People @250
Setting a healthy path for a flourishing life
Health of the Nation at the Birth of the Future Citizens
Reclaiming the Role of the Citizen in the Political Ecosystem
Report of the COVID19 Pandemic Citizen Commission Version 1.0
A digital town hall
It takes place on the 233rd anniversary of the signing of the US constitution and celebrates the constitution’s framers’ radical belief in the centrality of the citizen in the political ecosystem
About The COVID-19 Citizen Commission Version 1.0
Join the Citizen Commission
Sign up for Launch Event

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About us

We the People @250 and Health of the Nation are organized by Citizens4Health, a (small) group of committed citizens motivated by the belief that citizen engagement will contribute to the to the big problems confronting our nation and the world.
Our Vision
Healthy individuals in healthy communities engaged with a responsive political system dedicated to securing the right of all people to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.