Stakeholder: The US Federal Government

The Executive Branch
The US Federal Government has mobilized to address the Opioid Epidemic and to provide pain management oversight.
1. The federal opioid-pain ecosystem and stakeholders
2. History of the federal response to the opioid/ pain challenge
3. Overview of current efforts and strategies
4. Monitoring the federal effort
5. The war on drugs
6. Checklist for federal agencies and programs
7. Citizen tools box
8. Conversation
Content will be in various forms including check list, articles, infographs, interviews, links to other websites, video,s and other media forms.
Federal Government Opioid Pain Ecosystem and Stakeholders
Overview of current efforts of the federal government
The Executive Branch
"I am pleased to transmit the 2014 National Drug Control Strategy, a 21st century approach to drug policy that is built on decades of research demonstrating that addiction is a disease of the brain—one that can be prevented, treated, and from which people can recover. The pages that follow lay out an evidence-based plan for real drug policy reform, spanning the spectrum of effective prevention, early intervention, treatment, recovery support, criminal justice, law enforcement, and international cooperation."
The 2014 National Drug Control Strategy