The COVID-19 Citizens Commission Version 1.0
Reclaim the Citizen Role in the Political Ecosystem
Why a Citizen Commission?
We live in dangerous political times. Citizens in the United States are increasingly feeling that the political system is broken. Many feel that their voice is not being heard. That political institutions have failed them. That democracy, the organizing framework of our government, is no longer worth preserving. That the political status quo is broken. Urgent action is needed.
The Citizenism Project is driven by the belief that it is up to us, the People of the United States to actively engage in our government in order to continuously strive to create “a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” as ordained and established in our constitution.
Our projects in general and the COVID 19 Citizen Commission, provide a framework, citizen tools for engagement that will reclaim the role of the citizen as the center of our democracy. We seek to facilitate the function of government, whose main goal is to allow people to flourish. We are committed to provide a framework and tools to leverage technology and scientific insights, embrace crowdsourcing in the service of democracy, and pursues other collaborative activities to address challenges in our society and achieve a strong, healthy political system serving free and enlightened citizens.
How will the Citizen Commission achieve its goal?
