The COVID-19 Pandemic Project
Why The COVID 19 Pandemic Project?
The COVID 19 pandemic continues to have a devastating impact on many individuals and communities throughout the United States. The statistics are overwhelming. The personal stories are heartbreaking. The financial cost staggering. The impact is experienced regardless of class, geography, gender, religious background, political affiliation, in other words its a unifying tragedy.
The COVID-19 Project is an experiment in citizen engagement (Citizenism) inspired by the belief that we as citizens must engage with our fellow citizens and relevant stakeholders to achieve solutions to the challenges that face our communities and our nation. More directly the COVID-19 Project tests the hypotheses that citizens, provided with an organizing format*, information and tools can be trusted to and should be involved in solving complex social problems. The Project’s primary goal is to address the political (eco) system and the role of the citizen within it, the challenges of the system will be taken as a given and the presentation will focus on the actual aspects and problems associated with the COVID 19 pandemic.
In many ways the COVID 19 Pandemic has come to highlight and act as a symptom for many underlying challenges faced by the body politic of the United States as well as globally. The unprecedented toll that the pandemic has inflicted has exposed more clearly of the social and political pathology in the US. It has exposed the many economic, social, heath-care cleavages in our society. Using the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis as a symptom and the role of the political and social ecosystem in its emergence, devastating impact and potential treatment with a citizenism approach allows us to explore a deeper understanding and introduce potential solutions.
