Citizen Brief
Opioid Use Disorder:
Evidence Based Treatment Options & Resources
HHS: Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
ASAM’s National Practice Guideline for the Use of Medications in the Treatment of Addiction Involving Opioid Use
Medication Assisted Treatment (Samhsa)
The city's Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services helps with addiction issues, at 215-685-5403 or 215-685-5404 or dbhids.org.
What clinicians need to know about treating opioid use disorder
Alcoholics Anonymous
About Opioids (Google Docs)
Prescription Drugs
Q & A
Treatment Google Docs)
By September 2023 individuals suffering with Opioid Use Disorders are properly diagnosed at the earliest stage and have access to affordable, evidence based treatment.
To provide information, tools and resources to achieve the appropriate diagnosis for individuals suffering with opioid use disorder and to provide an approach to the care journey of the person with opioid dependence that is frictionless, behaviorally informed, simple and appropriate.
Currently, nearly 2 million people suffer with opioid use disorder, this includes individuals who are dependent on prescription opioids and more than half a million abuse or are dependent on heroin.
Addressing the needs of this population in of great need as they are at greater risk for relapse. Additionally, they can be involved in public awareness initiatives and may be more motivated to take part in efforts to address the substance use epidemic.
Opioid Use Disorder Treatment (OUD) (Google Doc)
Pocket Guide Produced by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Evidence Based Approach to MAT (National Academy of Sciences )
Dr. Gabor Mate’s approach to addiction is based on decades of research and experience working with individuals suffering addiction. He speaks about the social roots of our addictions and how the problem is caused neither by genes nor “choices”, but in the lives and experiences of these individuals. Dr. Mate is the cofounder of Compassion4Addiction, an organization with a mission is to change the way people view and understand addiction through the combined methodologies of compassion and cutting-edge science. The aim is to promote the understanding that addiction is the attempt of affected human beings to escape a profound discomfort with themselves and their world.
Pharmachologic Treatments
Psychosocial Treatment in Conjunction With Medications
Experimental Pharmacologic Treatment
Needle Exchange
Treating Opioid Withdrawal
The heartbreaking withdrawal of drug-dependent newborns
When a provider concludes that the benefits from continued opioid therapy are outweighed by the risks, she or he must initiate a discussion regarding collaborative tapering. This video provides several examples of how this conversation can be initiated with a patient.
MATx empowers health care practitioners to provide effective, evidence-based care for opioid use disorders. This free app supports practitioners who currently provide medication-assisted treatment (MAT), as well as those who plan to do so in the future.