My Political Tool Box for the 21st Century

To survive and flourish in the 21st century our nation must embrace the digital revolution that has transformed most aspects of personal and social life.
When it comes to our political life, the potential of digital technology has the potential to enrich American Democracy and provide the tools for 21st-century solutions to the challenges confronting the United States. From participation in the political process to engage citizens in decision making and policy formulation, digital technology can be leveraged on the local, national and global levels. We discuss utilizing digital technology to strengthen our democracy by improving citizen engagement. Current technology allows us to rewire the body politic through information technology. These tools allow unprecedented opportunity to get access to information, mobilize, challenge misinformation to provide for a more deliberative dialogue. Where previously only well-connected individuals and organizations were engaged now more of the public can get engaged.
Make Your Voice Heard
Information Sources
Personal Experience
Freedom of Information (FOIA)
Open Government
The following are general resources that may be useful to you in your efforts to take part in your political ecosystem.
Freedom of Information
Letter to Editor
Join an Organization
ASK THEM (Project of the Participatory Politics Foundation)
Contact Federal Elected Officials
President Barack Obama and the White House
Contact the White House.
U.S. Senators
Contact your state’s senators in the U.S. Senate.
U.S. Representatives
Contact your representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Contact State Elected Officials
State Governors
Contact your state governor.
State Legislators
Find the names and current activities of your state legislators.
Contact Local Elected Officials
Local Elected Officials
Get the contact information for mayors of U.S. cities and other local government representatives.
Communicating Effectively with Elected Officials
Learn how to communicate effectively with your elected leaders.
See examples of letters written to elected officials on various issues.