Hospital Watch USA
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Hospital in the Spotlight
Citizens4health puts Philadelphia (Delaware Valley) area hospitals in the spotlight. We utilize our own citizen inspired hospital rating system, The 5 Liberty Bells, to give the hospitals a checkup. The spotlight includes reliable information, news, commentary and resources about their performance. In addition to a hospital profile, the spotlight includes the following topics:
◊ How safe is your hospital?
◊ Public reporting by the hospital: Accountability and transparency
◊ Quality of healthcare delivered at the hospital
◊ Access to quality healthcare in the hospital
◊ Cost and value of healthcare
◊ Community benefit: How the hospital helps its communities?
◊ Patient’s experience of their hospitalization.
Currently, hospital care is often expensive, unsafe and inefficient.
We are testing the following equation-
Excellent healthcare value that is safe, efficient and accessible
Our Goal
By November 2022 all Philadelphia (Delaware Valley) citizens have access to reliable, user-friendly information of hospital’s performance
Philly Hospital in the Spotlight is guided by the belief that healthcare is local and all healthcare institutions must be top performers. Additionally, it is motivated by the recognition that in order to achieve excellent healthcare outcomes and address the escalating healthcare cost,
individuals in their roles as consumers, patients and citizens must work together with healthcare providers, hospitals and public organizations
when we become patients, requiring emergency medical care, it’s often too late to address hospital safety and quality concerns.
public reporting and transparency of medical care outcomes improve hospital performance.
even if we are motivated to investigate the quality and safety record of the hospitals in our community, we are helpless facing the currently available complex information that is publicly available
actionable information to facilitate active participation in healthcare encounters is important for excellent outcomes
we can improve hospital performance by holding relevant stakeholders accountable for their fiduciary responsibility
How we do it
Over the course of the year we will put all the Delaware Valley hospitals in the spotlight. We feature each hospital on a biweekly schedule. The information about the hospital will be available on our website, and can be easily downloaded as a PDF document. Additionally we send out a periodic newsletter. We will publicize and promote conversation about the hospitals via Twitter, and Facebook and in person events. We invite interested individuals and organizations to help us generate the hospital's profile and information about their performance
More about the information for hospital in the spotlight
The Hospital Profile provides more details about the hospital, including: the structure and governance, budget, number of patients served and additional information that describes the hospital. In addition, the profile includes our citizen oriented rating of the hospital that is a cumulative “score” of the following aspects of the hospital’s performance that we include in the hospital spotlight.
How safe is your hospital? provides a pass/ fail rating of hospital safety performance and includes tools to get to zero errors by 2022.
Public reporting, accountability and transparency examine public reporting by the hospital and provide a rating scale for the organization’s accountability and transparency.
Quality of healthcare delivered at the hospital provides information about the care provided by the hospital. We include information and tools to make the user an effective part of the treatment team to achieve excellent outcomes.
Access to quality healthcare at the hospital examines the experience of patients attempting to receive services at the hospital.
Cost and value of healthcare at the hospital provides information about the cost and value of healthcare services provided by the hospital.
Patient experience at the hospital provides information about what patients who used the hospital say about their experience.
Community support provides information about the hospital's contribution to the community.