Hospital Watch USA
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Access to Medical Services
Learn about the experience of patients attempting to receive services at the hospital. What is the insurance requirement? Coordination of services. Waiting times to see healthcare providers. Best practice for coordinated care. Tools to improve your access.
GOALS: Access to all aspects of healthcare in a timely manner at the various hospitals in the area.
VISION OF BEST PRACTICE: Take a look at the organizations who are achieving excellent access to quality care
As more “hospital” network emerges, we will include ease of coordination of care. For example, whether the facility's affiliation with a provider network would make it more likely that a consumer would be referred to health professionals or other organizations in that network. The access goes beyond medical services and must include the availability of translation or interpretation services for non-English speakers and people with communication disabilities.
The 5 Liberty Bells grade for access to quality medical care is derived from availability and ease of accessing medical care at the hospital.
The overall grade includes the experience of patients attempting to receive services at the hospital. What is the insurance requirement? How well are the needed medical services coordinated? What are the waiting times to see healthcare providers? These results are compared to best practices in a particular category.
The citizen-oriented grade of access to healthcare is derived from the following categories the grade is totaled into the overall hospital grade in the hospital profile. As always our goal is to make all hospital tops and our grading reflects that fact. Here is the overall grading scale and the scale for the following access to healthcare categories:
◊ Emergency room and trauma
◊ Heart conditions
◊ Lung conditions
◊ Quality Surgical Care
◊ Maternity care
◊ Cancer care
◊ Stroke care
◊ Orthopedic care
◊ Intensive Care