Hospital Watch USA
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Hospital Leadership: Governance

Hospitals are complex organizations, with multiple challenges. We believe that patient safety must be a top priority. Many hospitals have embraced, making the care they provide a top priority and have achieved excellent outcomes, however, there is more to be done. All hospitals must be top performers. Most hospitals respond to pressure from their community. The hospital and its board are responsible for the hospital’s performance. Reach out to the community to overcome preventable medical errors by November 2020.
Activities for the board:
Give your hospital a checkup: This brief, 10-15 minute checkup, provides you information available publically about the performance of “your” hospital.
The safe healthcare services contract: The contract “formalizes” what you and the hospital will do to achieve the best outcome for your medical problem.
The contract for Safe and Effective Surgical Care: The contract “formalizes” what you and the hospital will do to achieve the best outcome for your medical problem and surgery.
The hospital safety questionnaire: Survey the hospital about the patient safety record and the activities they are undertaking to keep patients safe.
Hospital Board Education about Quality and Safety
Does the hospital report outcomes publically on its web site?
Are you satisfied with the current quality performance of the hospital?
Stakeholders for patient safety.
Best practice and guidelines for patient safety
Resources for patient safety
A person who has the legal duty, created by his or her undertaking, to act primarily for the benefit of another or others in matters connected with the undertaking. Slee’s Healthcare Terms
Dear Chairman of the Board of directors at Hospital.
Thank you for the time, effort and skill you are providing to guide the Hospital in providing medical services.
I/ we are writing to you as a potential user of the Hospital services. As a member of the board, with public fiduciary responsibility and accountability, we understand you have many responsibilities as to the function of the hospital in these challenging times. I am sure that you share our belief that when it comes to patient safety, all hospitals must be top hospitals.
Public reports of the hospital’s performance indicate that the hospital has not achieved top performance when it comes to preventable medical errors and has not achieved top status when it comes to readmissions of patients discharged.
I believe that the hospital can and must achieve the only acceptable preventable outcomes when it comes to patient safety, zero preventable medical errors experienced by any patient using the hospital’s services.
As you know research indicates that the hospital’s board plays a crucial role when it comes to establishing and maintaining a patient safety culture in the hospital that improved performance. There are numerous organizations, evidence-based guidelines, programs utilized by hospitals with remarkable results. We have included a patient safety questionnaire that we believe can help you in your work and provide information to the community about the quality of care at their hospital.