Hospital Watch USA
Name of Hospital
Location (State, Zip)
About Hospital Watch USA

We are testing the following equation
Excellent healthcare value that is safe, efficient and accessible for all Americans

Citizens4health is guided by the belief that
"health, which is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, is a fundamental human right and that the attainment of the highest possible level of health is a most important worldwide social goal whose realization requires the action of many other social and economic sectors in addition to the health sector. "
Before You View Your Report...
By agreeing to the terms of use for Hospitalwatch.us, you acknowledge that the material on the site is for informational use only, and is not intended to be relied upon for medical diagnosis, treatment or advice on selecting providers.
Further, you explicitly acknowledge that Citizens4health is not an accreditor or evaluator of healthcare organizations or systems, and that a reference to an institution on the Web site is not an endorsement by Citizens4health for the receipt of health care from the institution. You agree that Citizens4health 's name and/or logo will not be used by healthcare organizations or other entities as an endorsement of performance or in any advertisement or marketing of healthcare services.
We encourage the use of the performance data and other information for informational and educational purposes. We request that you explicitly cite the source of the data and/or information as such:
Hospitalwatch.us , [Date Accessed] based on data from [Time Frame]
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Hospital Watch is a Citizens4health initiative that provides a framework to invite fellow citizens to collectively participate in a process that seeks to achieve a uniquely American healthcare system that promotes healthy individuals in healthy communities and provides access to quality, affordable healthcare for all Americans. We focus our activities on one simple question:
How can we all, patients, doctors and healthcare institutions; citizens, non-for profit organizations and government; consumers and the "private" sector corporations; achieve effective solutions to the challenges facing the healthcare system?
More specifically, our ambitious, multi-year plan is driven by our vision that by November 2026 all Americans live in healthy communities and have access to excellent, safe, quality affordable healthcare services.
Our strategy is to reframe the discussions associated with our healthcare system form “what can I get”, to “what can we, as citizens, not just as consumers and patients, do to achieve a healthcare system that is affordable, and provides access to quality care for all of us?”
We start January 2022, by focusing on the healthcare system in the Delaware Valley with a multi-year undertaking, Hospital Watch: Delaware Valley.
Our first project Hospital in the Spotlight uses publicly available information to make public in user-friendly format the patient safety record of the hospitals and other patient safety and quality indicators of hospital performance. Additionally, we provide tools and strategies for individuals and organizations to "actionize" the information with our Getting to ZERO hospital-associated medical conditions by 2026 treatment plan.
Hospital Watch: Delaware Valley is a database-driven initiative that leverages reliable publicly available performance data and information about the region's hospitals. When fully operational, we will provide a Spotlight on every hospital and grade their performance with our Citizens4health 5 Liberty Bells Scale, to report how close they are to be a top hospital.
Our Action Plan
Our hospital in the spotlight activities will highlight all Delaware Valley hospitals on a regular basis. (We hope to have a weekly review of the featured hospital.)
We utilize data from Medicare Compare hospital reporting of hospital performance to populate our interactive report card for Delaware Valley hospitals.
Each hospital is “graded” with our Citizens4health 5 Liberty Bells Scale.
We provide tools and strategies for individuals and organizations to "actionize" the information with our Delaware Valley hospitals Getting to ZERO hospital-associated medical conditions by 2026 treatment plan.
The treatment plan provides an action plan for individuals to make their hospitals safe and free of acquired medical conditions.
The plan answers the question What Can You Do to Prevent Medical Errors?
It provides activities to:
▪do your part
▪ engage with your doctor
▪ engage with fellow citizens
▪ engage with the hospital
▪ engage with stakeholders
▪ engage with politicians
▪ engage with the media
The Hospital in the Spotlight will include a short narrative summarizing the findings reported in the hospital report card as well as other information about the featured hospital.
◊ How safe is your hospital?
◊ Public reporting: accountability and transparency
◊ Quality of healthcare delivered at the hospital
◊ Access to quality care at the hospital
◊ Cost and value of care
◊ Community benefit: how the hospital helps its community
◊ Patient’s experience of their hospitalization.
The information about the hospital will be available on our website and can be easily downloaded as a PDF document. Additionally, we send out a periodic newsletter to interested individuals.
We utilize social media strategy that leverages Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and our blogs to engage interested individuals and organizations in our efforts.
We feature relevant information and documents related to hospital performance as well as stakeholders “accountable” for patient safety.