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Hospital Challenges 


Hospital in the Spotlight's goal is to make all hospitals top performers in the care they provide for patients and the benefit they provide for their communities. Based on our extensive “checkup” that relies on publically available data and information, we put hospitals in the spotlight. Our 5 Liberty Bells citizen inspired hospital grading system summarizes the hospital’s overall performance.

The grade is based on the following aspects of the hospital’s performance:  (Click on the title to get more detailed explanation) 



How safe is your hospital?

How safe is your hospital? provides a pass/ fail rating of hospital safety performance and includes tools to get to zero errors by 2015. We rate how safe the hospital on a PASS/ FAIL grade which we reports at  How safe is your hospital? 

Quality of healthcare 

Quality of healthcare delivered at the hospital provides information about the medical care provided by the hospital. We include information and tools to make the user an effective part of the treatment team to achieve excellent outcomes. 

Public reporting, accountability and transparency

Public reporting, accountability and transparency examines public reporting by the hospital and provide a rating scale for the organization’s accountability and transparency.

Cost and value 

Cost and value of medical care provides information about the cost and value of medical services provided by the hospital.

Access to quality healthcare

Access to quality healthcare examines the experience of patients attempting to receive services at the hospital. 

Governance and community benefit

Governance and community benefit: How the hospital helps their communities? We provided information about the hospital’s contribution to the community. 

Patient experience of hospitalization

Patient experience of hospitalization provides information about what patients who used the hospital say about their experience. How recently  discharged patients responded to a national survey about their hospital experience.  

Hospital profile 

The hospital profile includes general information about the hospital, how safe is your hospital rating, our 5 Liberty Bells citizen oriented overall performance rating, information and tools to engage with the hospitals leadership and other stakeholders.

Hospital in the Spotlight


The Philadelphia VA










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Hospital Watch is an  Institute for Salutogenesis initiative that provides a framework to invite fellow citizens to collectively participate in a process that seeks to achieve a uniquely American healthcare system that promotes healthy individuals in healthy communities and provides access to quality, affordable healthcare for all Americans. 

© 2024 by The Institute for Salutogenesis  Proudly created with

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