The Citizenism Project
Journey to Reclaim the Role of the Citizen in the Political Ecosystem
Take Action
Get Political
Goal: Actions you can undertake within your political ecosystem to optimize your role as a citizen.
Without an informed and involved population, there’s no way to enrich our democracy and ensure that national and local policies serve the needs of the public. Unless individuals call for the change we want to see, we’ll lose out to special interests and the ideological positions of our elected officials.
Questions considered
What is political well being?
How responsive is my political ecosystem?
Exercise your civic duty locally and nationally to find out where you stand on the issues?
How do you view yourself as a citizen?
What can I do to be politically engaged?
The Health of the Nation: Toward Citizen Flourishing
Achieving the best healthcare outcomes requires a team effort. Take responsibility for your part. Should you need hospital care there are important actions you may take before, during and after the hospitalization to have the best health outcome. Click on the links below for steps you can take, our suggestions and tools may save your life.
Pursuit of Happiness: The Body Politic
Many of us go on with our lives without ever recognizing that we can enjoy a higher state of wellbeing. We rarely if ever, ask our self if we are thriving or flourishing. The Pursuit of Happiness, an inalienable right articulated in the Declaration of independence, is rarely explored in a holistic manner. We invite you to your own Pursuit of Happiness.
My Digital Tool Box
Digital tools and strategies can enhance your ability to achieve a state of well being. The tools and activities offer insights and activities that have the potential to make you healthier, engage socially and enrich your activity as a citizen.
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