The Citizenism Project
Journey to Reclaim the Role of the Citizen in the Political Ecosystem
The US Healthcare System
Case Presentation
The US Healthcare System Case presentation closely linked to the CItizens4health Strategic Plan and Roadmap. The challenges of healthcare are addressed. The process is used to translate symptoms into the best solutions based on existing information. The treatment plan is most effective when the problems addressed are clearly defined, the alternatives for action discussed and the plan offers actions to address short and long term challenges.
(See our Health Care Bill or Rights)
Our Vision
By July 2026 every American has the opportunity to:
flourish and thrive,
live and be part of a healthy community,
be part of a responsive representative political system,
access to quality affordable health care services.
Public Launch December 2022
Envision Healthy Individuals in Healthy Communities
The Envision an American Healthcare System Initiative provides a framework to collectively imagine a uniquely American healthcare system that guarantees access to quality, sustainable healthcare for all Americans along the life continuum and to create healthy environment.
Our Goals
100% of the population is insured
The United States achieves healthcare insurance coverage for all Americans. The insurance provides all Americans with basic benefits for medical care, including prevention, acute care, chronic care, and end-of-life care. The coverage guarantees access to health and medical services that are evidence based and clinically indicated. The coverage is reliable, citizen-based, lifelong, portable, and is independent of preexisting conditions, employment status, geographic residence, and age. Coverage cannot be dropped because of medical status.
100% of Americans have access to healthcare services
Healthcare services are timely (no needless delays), equitable (no unjustified variation) comprehensive (including emergency and long term care), available, and easily accessible, offering choice of provider and treatment options that are evidence-based.
#1 Quality of healthcare delivered
The quality of healthcare of the US is the best in the world. Quality health care based on the latest evidence for healthcare that is: Safe (no harm), Efficient (no waste), Effective (no needless failures), Patient centered (no helplessness or unjustified routines), Coordinated and Competent healthcare.
0 is the number of Americans that have to file for bankruptcy due to medical costs. The cost of healthcare for the individual is not increased by more than the cost of inflation. This includes all costs, the cost of healthcare insurance, out of pocket expenses, deductibles; treatments must be affordable and in no way constitute a barrier for achieving the purpose of healthcare coverage, accessing needed healthcare services.
GDP + 1 % Total health expenditures are under 20% of GDP. Yearly increases of healthcare expenditures do not exceed increase in GDP plus one percent.
0 The number of Americans who stay at their current employment due to fear of not being able to get or afford healthcare coverage.
0 The number of businesses whose cost of providing healthcare benefits to their employees impedes their local and global competitiveness.
Innovation and Research
Healthcare innovation through research in services and products that leads to continued improvement in the health status of the population. All Americans have the expectation that innovation and advanced treatments will be developed and available to improve their lives