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The Pain- Opioid Epidemic Project

The Pain Opioid Epidemic Project (Opioid Project) is an experiment in citizen engagement (Citizenism) inspired by the belief that we as citizens must engage with our fellow citizens and relevant stakeholders to achieve solutions to the challenges that face our communities and our nation.

Please take our survey to determine 
Who’s to Blame for the Opioid Epidemic? 

Here are 3 ways to take action right now


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Follow the journey by signing up to receive updates   



Join the journey by participating in various  events that will take place.  Utilize the Citizen toolbox. 

Founder & Framer


Become an active participant in setting the journey. Be part of choosing and organizing events.  

Our Vision 

By September 2023 there are no reported deaths of opioid overdose reported in the US.


By September 2023 the official approach to opioid use, dependence and addiction are informed by the principles and spirit of public health instead of a  criminal justice approach.


By September 2023 individuals suffering with opioid use disorders have access to affordable, evidence-based treatment.


By September 2023 “The War on Drugs” will be officially over globally, nationally, and locally.


By September 2023, every individual who experiences pain has access to and is able to receive evidence-based, best practice informed treatment that improves their well-being in outcomes that matter for them.

The Phases of the Initiative 

Central to The Pain Opioid Epidemic Project is the Case Presentation. The Pain Opioid Epidemic Case Presentation provides a framework for an action-oriented collaborative process that addresses the complexity of the challenges associated with the opioid epidemic. The Case Presentation provides relevant and reliable background information about the problem and frames it in a manner that contributes to solving the problems identified. The Case Presentation includes The Pain Opioid  Review of Systems which uses the complexity lens to explore the various stakeholders, relevant data, and assessment of the problem and treatment plan.

We provide an easy to use platform that is used by local entities to assist in their efforts to provide solutions to the opioid-related problems. The platform includes best practice information, process, and related resources to provide services and links to providers at the local level. The Pain Opioid Epidemic Project and Case Presentation websites are focused on cities, neighborhoods, counties and other local entities. Entities interested in "duplicating" and customizing the websites for their local environment can contact  us. 

The Website for our first local site, Montgomery County, PA, will be made "Public" October 2022. 

Developing and updating the evidence-based inventory of clinical, social, legal and public policy materials and processes related to our vision.  We start by focusing on opioid use conditions, overdose prevention and addressing "the drug war", to be followed by pain-related conditions.

Providing individuals facing Personal Health Manager for personal engagement for individuals suffering from pain and opioid addiction. Social and political tools to engage with stakeholders locally and nationally.

Phase Five: Real-time monitoring The Pain Opioid Epidemic and its consequences

Ongoing collection and analysis of population and individual data associated with the opioid epidemic. The data will feature The Pain Opioid  Epidemic Case Presentation progress notes and occasional Clinical Case Conference focusing on individual situations. 

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