The James Madison Project
"So strong is this propensity of mankind to fall into mutual animosities, that where no substantial occasion presents itself, the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and excite their most violent conflicts."
James Madison Federalist 10
The James Madison Award
Our goal is to honor individuals and organizatons that function in the spirit of James Madison's efforts on behalf of the Public Good

The Citizens4health James Madison Awards recognize individuals, associations, organizations and government agencies who promote the “public good”.
The awards are given in the spirit of James Madison, to honor our fellow citizens, in the private, public or not for profit sectors, who through vision, competence and integrity contribute to our well-being as a nation. In keeping with the character of James Madison, the consummate doer for the common good, these honors give special emphasis to individuals and organizations whose activities are motivated by improving the general welfare, and are guided by the framework established by James Madison.
Target Date for Announcing Awards
Constitution Day, September 17th, 2021
The Citizens4health James Madison Awards for the Following categories
Individuals in the Government Sector
Individuals in the Private Sector
Individual In the Media
Media Reporting
Professional Organization
Citizens4Health will announce the James Madison Awardees on Constitution Day and present the awards at Health of the Nation, a gathering at Independence National Historical Park, in Philadelphia PA.
Nominations For
The 2021 James Madison Awards
Citizens4health invites you to nominate candidates for the 2021 James Madison Awards.
The James Madison Awards are presented annually and span nine areas that highlight the importance of competent and honest engagement in our public life.
Nominations for the James Madison Awards are accepted on a rolling basis and will be announced on Constitution Day, September 17th, 2021.
Please feel free to share this Call for Nominations with others who might wish to submit a nomination. Questions about the appropriateness of a particular nomination are welcome and should be directed to Shimon Waldfogel.
The James Madison Awards are made in the following categories:
Individuals who have dedicated themselves to work in the government sector
Individuals who have dedicated themselves to solve problems for the public good
Media watchdog: Organizations and individuals the keep the media honest
Professional organization committed to public reporting
Government agency competently serving the public interest
Watch-dog and consumer organizations serving the public interest
States that are committed to achieving the best healthcare outcomes