Diseases of the US Political System
Case Conferece
“instability, injustice and confusion introduced into the public councils, have in truth been the mortal diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished”
James Madison, Federalist 10

The James Madison Project
Citizen Brief: Distrust of Government
A “toxic” political environment that appears incapable to addressing the challenges confronting our nation and at time contributes to them
New Pew Survey Finds Three-Quarters of Americans Don’t Trust the Government January 31, 2013
The People and the Constitution
Robert Reich: Democracy Is Diseased
New study shows Americans have never felt more powerless.
Don't Trust the Government
A song by Attila and the Hunz. Do we really have democracy and liberty? Is the government on the 'people's side' and protecting the public trust? Should we trust our corporations?
In the past decade we have witnessed increasing inability of our political system to address the challenges facing our nation. The political dysfunction has led to increasing public distrust, with tea party and OWS activism. The political debate in Washington has become partisan, hyper- charged, fueled by lots of money, media obsession with adversarial dialogue, and sport like coverage. Opinion and half truths and projections based on questionable assumptions. As the US congress and the president continue with their battle over the budget, deficit, debt ceiling, sequestration, the ideological, special interests and hardened personal positions rather than a rational approach to addressing our challenges threaten our future.
The fear mongering of long term financial ruin amplified through the echo chambers of the media, have eroded confidence in our financial system and our politicians. To the outsider the political debate in Washington has become partisan, hyper- charged, fueled by lots of money, media obsession with adversarial dialogue, and sport like coverage. Conflict is much more interesting than the hard work that is needed to find solutions and the political will to implement them.
The magician explains his libertarian beliefs and why President Obama should be "questioned and beat up."