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The Pain Patient's Bill of Rights

1. The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care.

2. The patient has the right to obtain from their credentialed practitioner complete and current information concerning the diagnosis, proposed treatment, and expected prognosis in terms that the patient may reasonably be expected to understand. When it is not advisable to give such information to the patient, the information should be made available to an appropriate person (medical proxy) on the patient’s behalf.

3. The patient has the right to receive the necessary information for medical decision making and the granting of informed consent from the treating credentialed practitioner prior to the start of any procedure or treatment. This information shall include at the minimum: the expected procedure or treatment to be used, who will perform the procedure or treatment, what are the likely benefits from the procedure or treatment, what alternatives exist if any, what are the likely risks from the procedure or treatment, what may occur if no treatment is undertaken, and length of probable duration of incapacitation if any is expected.

4. The patient has the right to refuse any and all treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of any medical consequences of this action.

5. The patient has the right to every consideration of privacy concerning the medical care provided except when there is an imminent risk to the individual or others, or when the practitioner is ordered by a court to breach confidentiality.

6. The patient has the right to be advised if the practitioner, agency, or facility propose to engage in any form of human experimentation affecting the care or treatment provided. The patient has the right to refuse to participate in research projects or to withdraw continued consent to participate without repercussions.

7. The patient has the right to examine and receive an explanation of the bill for professional services rendered.

All pain management activities are to be provided with an overriding concern for the patient, and above all, with the recognition of the patient’s dignity as a human being

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