Disclaimer and Other Legal Stuff
Use of the the CannabisRx website is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified health care provider, and is in fact designed to work in conjunction with your health care providers. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider regarding any question or concern you may have about your or other members of your family’s medical condition.
Neither the content of the Web site or any of the information and tools of CannabisRx are to be relied on for medical diagnosis, treatment recommendations, or any other health and medical decision making. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking care provided by a qualified health because of information you found on the CannabisRx website. The information provided is intended to help you make better health care decisions and take greater responsibility for your own health as you work in partnership with your health are providers toward your optimal health.
CannabisRx does not recommend or endorse any specific health care provider, health product or procedures that may be mentioned on the web site. The site and program includes opinions by healthcare professionals, CannabisRx, advisors or editors do not assume any liability for the contents of any material provided to you.
Any decision you make regarding the role of Medical Cannabis in your medical care should incorporate awareness of the legal situation governing use of Cannabis in your state and nationally.
By using CannabisRx you expressly acknowledge and agree that CannabisRx and the contributors to the web site are not responsible for the results of your decisions that were based on use of the information. This includes but is not limited to, your choosing to seek or not to seek professional medical care, or from choosing or not choosing specific treatment based on the information.