Resources for Individuals

The Patient Resource section includes numerous information sources that will be related to the topic of medical cannabis. Topics are geared to individuals as patients, consumers and citizens. The section is divided into the following topics:
Learn about cannabis and its role in medical practice
Learn about medical research with Cannabis
Learn about tools for best practice in using cannabis in the medical setting
Learn the latest news about medical cannabis
The social cannabis ecosystem
The political cannabis ecosystem
Learn about the public policy approaches to medical cannabis
Booklets and related sources
About Marijuana Drug Policy Alliance (Pdf)
Drug Policy Alliance 10 questions about Marijuana
Do people still get arrested and punished for using marijuana?
Is it true that marijuana has medicinal properties?
Does marijuana legalization lead to increased use?
What is the relationship between marijuana and cancer?
How strong is today’s marijuana?
Does marijuana impair driving the way alcohol does?
Are more people becoming dependent on marijuana?
Does marijuana negatively impact mental health?
Does using marijuana have long-term effects on the brain?
30 Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC
Laws, Fees, and Possession Limits
Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option? (Pro-Con Issues)
Talking to Your Health Care Provider — Excerpts from the book Medical Marijuana 101 by Mickey Martin, Ed Rosenthal, and Gregory T. Carter, M.D., with an emphasis on information patients can bring to their providers when interested in talking about medicinal cannabis use.
Medicinal Cannabis and Chronic Pain: Information for Patients — Developed as part of this project, this brochure is intended to educate patients considering the use of medicinal cannabis about risks, routes of administration, and safe use.
References for Module 1 | References for Module 2
Learn About Marijuana - This web site, developed by the Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute at the University of Washington provides science-based information about marijuana for the public. Find factsheets, information for adult consumers, and pages with resources specifically for parents and teens.
Washington State Department of Health brochures:
A Patient’s Guide to the Medical Marijuana Database
A Patient’s Guide to the New Medical Marijuana Consultant
A Patient’s Guide to Forming a Cooperative
Links to state medical marijuana program websites (as of 13 November 2017)
Aunt Zelda's
Americans for Safe Access - ASA is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic uses and research. The website includes sections with resources for patients and providers.
ASA provides training and resources for activists. Including legal resources, resources by state, information on talking to the media, testifying, lobbying, movement building, etc. They also offer condition-based booklets and state legal manuals for purchase.
ASA’s Patient Focused Certification Program
Dispensaries, laboratories and product manufacturers who display the Patient Focused Certification seal have met the high quality standards for medical cannabis products and businesses issued by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) and the American Herbal Pharmacopeia (AHP).
Patients Out of Time - This non-profit organization focuses on the education of both health care providers and the general public about medicinal cannabis.
Marijuana Lit - Developed by the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC), this web site provides videos, infographics, and additional resources about both recreational and medicinal cannabis.
Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids
The International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines
American Cannabis Nurses Association (ACNA)
The Medical Cannabis Institute (TMCI)
American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC)
Provides information to patients and caregivers to help make informed decisions about whether cannabis is the right medicine for them, the laws surrounding medicinal marijuana in given areas, political activism, and recipes and guides to growing your own marijuana.
Healer’s goal is to create a positive and supportive community of like-minded medical cannabis users as a transparent, trusted source of cannabis information and a respected authority on its safe and smart use. Their programs provide the essential basics of dosage and delivery methods to help you develop healthy new patterns in your life.
The mission of this group is to increase support for non-punitive, non-coercive marijuana policies, identify and activate supporters of those policies, change state laws to reduce or eliminate penalties for medical and non-medical use of marijuana, and gain influence in Congress. Information about significant issues and policies as well as news is available.
Provides information about marijuana, including a primer; personal, medical, and industrial use; testing; health endorsements; legal issues, and a “research library” of information. State NORML chapters provide varying levels of education, primarily regarding legal issues. Their physician finder links to Weedmaps.
Several different sections including a reader (ongoing history of marijuana), dispatches (original articles), second column (information worth sharing), and a CBDiary (blog).
This is a a nonprofit public charity that provides resources for critical thinking and to educate without bias. Marijuana is one of many issues discussed on this website.
Project CBD is a non-profit educational service dedicated to promoting and publicizing research into the medical utility of cannabidiol (CBD) and other components of the cannabis plant. It is intended to update providers and patients about developments in cannabinoid science, promote research, and emphasizes the whole plant therapeutics of cannabis (not just THC or CBD).
Provides information to health care professionals, patients, and caregivers about cannabis. Clinical conferences, information about the therapeutic basis of cannabis, and indications for use are also provided.
United Patients Group is an unparalleled resource and trusted leader in Medical Cannabis for physicians, patients and organizations. UPG acts as a virtual hand for patients and offers CME education and consulting to physicians and medical institutions. UPG believes that education is paramount in understanding the potential for Medical Cannabis treatment and acts as a conduit between worldwide medical institutions and the medical cannabis industry.