Hospital and Long Term Care setting
The Role of Cannabis
The Optimal Pain Management program’s goal is to create a systematic practical approach that will lead to a “turn key solution” to evaluate, prevent and manage pain. (Safe, Timely, Effective, Efficient Equitable and Patient-centered) The Pain Management program is one of the pillars to address the challenges of Opioid use in general and the role that legitimate medical care contributes to Opioid Use Disorder.
Additionally, the program will provide knowledge and tools to facilitate the health professionals working together in a continuous quality improvement process to find a collaborative method to reduce the occurrence, severity, duration, and devastating outcomes of acute and chronic pain.
To develop the tools and strategies to incorporate best practice of pain management into the clinical environment.
The patient using Cannabis for a medical condition
Long Term Care
Cannabinoids in the Hospital and Long Term Care Setting
Danial Schecter, MD, CCFP, Cannabinoid Medical Clinic
AusCann . Cadence Health Center . Toronto, ON
Abington Senior Leaders
Question: If a patient brings prescribed medical marijuana to the hospital, what should we do?
Answer: Representatives from across the Enterprise are working on a policy related to medical marijuana prescribed, outside of the Hospital, to inpatients and observation patients. That policy is complicated by a number of legal and regulatory factors, not the least of which is that, while legal in Pennsylvania, medical marijuana continues to be an illegal controlled substance at the federal level. Moreover, hospitals are precluded by law from storing or “dispensing” medical marijuana on the premises. Until a system-wide policy has been developed, patients should be informed that, until the regulatory issues have been resolved, we cannot store medical marijuana (or allow the patient to store medical marijuana) in the Hospital, nor can we dispense it to them.
Penn Medicine
Can I bring medical marijuana to a Penn Medicine hospital?
Do not bring medical marijuana to a Penn Medicine facility.
Possession or use of marijuana in any form, including medical marijuana, is prohibited in all Penn Medicine facilities with limited exception. Certified patients who have a designated caregiver registered with the Pennsylvania Department of Health may be permitted to use medical marijuana during their inpatient admission if clinically appropriate and in compliance with hospital policies. Self administration is prohibited. Only a designated caregiver may be permitted to administer medical marijuana during inpatient admission.