My CannabisRx Personal Health Manager
Get Personal with Medical Cannabis
What you can learn in this section
The Get Personal with Medical Cannabis section is designed to help you achieve optimal health by incorporating medical cannabis into you health plan. We build on an understanding of what it takes to create Optimal Health (Salutogenesis) for you and our communities. We utilize evidence based Medical Cannabis information and resources to support you in your health journey.
This section provides an overview of the following aspects of cannabis and its medical uses.
Part One: Overview of the Role of Medical Cannabis in the Medical Setting
Part Two: Using the Medical Cannabis Products Effectively
Step by Step to Safe use of Medical Cannabis
Step One: Healthcare Provider
Prepare for Visit
During the visit
After the Visit
Step Two: State
Getting your Medical Cannabis User Card
Step Three: Dispensary
Prepare for Dispensary
At the Dispensary
Step Four: Using the Medical Cannabis Product
Using Medical Cannabis Safely
Instructions and a tutorial on how to vaporize your medical cannabis
Detailed dosing schedule on how to safely and effectively dose cannabis medication
Monitor and record your progress
A dosing log that you can use to track your process.
Record your side effects
Step Five: Report your Experience with Medical Cannabis
Share your experience with health care provider
Step Six: Research
Citizen Research
Overview: The Role of Medical Cannabis in the Medical Setting
Cannabis sativa has a long history as a medicinal plant, likely dating back more than two millennia. It was available as a licensed medicine in the United States for about a century before the American Medical Association removed it from the 12th edition of the U.S. Pharmacopeia. In 1985, pharmaceutical companies received approval to begin developing Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) preparations—dronabinol and nabilone—for therapeutic use, and as a result, cannabinoids were reintroduced into the armamentarium of willing health care providers .
Medical Cannabis in the Healthcare Setting
Learn about Cannabis and its medical uses
Cannabis 101
Learn about cannabis and its medical use
Educational Material
A Patient's Guide to Medical Cannabis (Americans for Safe Access)
Consumer Information- Cannabis
Health Canada (PDF Version - 103 K)
Forms for Medical Cannabis
Intake for Patients and Caregivers
Medical Cannabis and My Health
Learn about Cannabis and its medical uses
Cannabis 101
Learn about cannabis and its medical use
Educational Material
A Patient's Guide to Medical Cannabis (Americans for Safe Access)
Consumer Information- Cannabis
Health Canada (PDF Version - 103 K)
Forms for Medical Cannabis
Intake for Patients and Caregivers
Step by Step to Safe use of Medical Cannabis
Part One: Get the Most Out of Healthcare Contact
A primary care physician with an understanding of your medical history is the best person to consult first about medical cannabis. However, we understand that not everyone has a regular doctor, and many physicians remain unfamiliar with the medical uses of cannabis or are afraid of getting in trouble.
Get the Most Out of Healthcare Contact
Goal: How to use the contact with your healthcare provider in the most effective manner
Contact with your healthcare provider who is not licensed to certify cannabis use
Talking to Your Healthcare Provider
Decision making about cannabis
Prepare for Visit: Form
During the Visit: Form
After the Healthcare Visit: Form
Part Two: Get Certified for Medical Cannabis
Instructional video from Lolly Bentch, patient liaison for the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana program, on how to register as a patient or caregiver.
How to Get Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) in Pennsylvania
Goal: To learn about the Medical Cannabis Program in Pennsylvania and how to navigate it
A Patient who wants to participate in the medical marijuana program must follow these steps:
First, visit the Patients and Caregivers Registry and create a patient profile in the Department of Health’s patient and caregiver registry.
Next, obtain a physician’s certification that you suffer from one of the 17 serious medical conditions. List of approved clinicians (Pdf)
Then, return to the Patient and Caregivers Registry and pay for a medical marijuana ID card.
Obtain medical marijuana from an approved dispensary in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Resources
Information for Patients Brochure
Q&A on medical marijuana in Pa.
Part Three: Get the Most at the Dispensary
Patients who are new to medical cannabis often face challenges finding access to high quality cannabis that meet their specific health needs. The challenge is noticeable when one goes to the dispensary for the first time. The cannabis marketplace is often unregulated, can be confusing, and the industry lacks standards in product labeling and dosage instructions. Availability of products can change quickly, and everyone seems to have different advice on what to buy.
Get the most at a Dispensary
Selecting the right product for your situation
Goal: To get the Medical Cannabis product that best meets your needs
Select a dispensary
What to expect at a dispensary
Healer: Guide to Buying Medical Cannabis
Healer: Shoppers Guide (PdF)
The Product Available (Menu of Sample Dispensary)
Step Four: Use Medical Cannabis Safely
Use Medical Cannabis Safely
How to Use Cannabis Safely
In this section you will learn more about making sure the cannabis is safe and helps achieve your healthcare and wellness goals
Goal: Getting the best and safest response to medical Cannabis
How to use Cannabis Safely
1. Selecting the Medical Cannabis Product that Will work for You
2. Select the Appropriate Dose
3. Monitor for Side Effects
Step Five: Record and Report Your Experience
John Vavalo discusses the future of medical cannabis with a particular focus on the interconnectability of patient monitoring and data collection as it relates to the translation of the data to cutting edge pharmaceutical research and development.
Report your experience
Goal: Get useful information about your experience
Step Six: Citizen Science Participate in Research
Citizen science (CS; also known as community science, crowd science, crowd-sourced science, civic science, volunteer monitoring or networked science) is scientific research conducted, in whole or in part, by amateur (or nonprofessional) scientists. Citizen science is sometimes described as "public participation in scientific research", participatory monitoring and participatory action research.
Participate in Research
Goal: Participate in research that provides knowledge to inform the optimal use of Medical Cannabis
Citizen Scientist: Improving the knowledge base of cannabis
Citizen Science and Research
Participate in Research of Neurodegenerative Conditions
Participate in Research of Pain