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Welcome to Moonshot Press, a new chapter
in enhancing democracy and civic engagement.


I'm Shimon Waldfogel, founder of Moonshot Press and The Institute for Salutogenesis. My journey is fueled by urgent questions:
How can we better understand our world and contribute to positive change?
Moonshot Press answers this call by elevating public conversation and boosting civic participation. We believe that knowledge and empowerment are essential for a strong democracy.
At Moonshot Press, we aim to provide clear, actionable information that inspires action and fosters a collaborative space for citizen voices. Joining us, you're part of an initiative to create a more informed and active society.
We're focused on crucial issues like ensuring opportunities for all, supporting future generations, and highlighting the critical early stages of life. Our mission is driven by the power of engaged citizens to shape a democratic future.
As Moonshot Press launches, we invite you to join a movement towards empowered citizenship. Engage with us and contribute to discussions that matter. By subscribing, you become a key part of our community.
Moonshot Press is here to empower you, spark significant dialogue, and encourage collective action. Join us in building a vibrant, inclusive democracy. Thank you for embarking on this journey with us. Let's make every voice count.
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