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Forms and Policies


Patient Oriented

Intake for Patients and Caregivers

Intake for Patients: Long form

Treatment Agreement

Keeping a Cannabis Log

Medical Cannabis Log: Pain

Side Effects Checklist and Log

Informed Consent

Cannabis: Product Information

Prepare for Visit Form

Patient Experience Survey

Patient Checklist


Patient Testimonial, Video, Photo, Audio Release Consent

Marijuana Problem Scale

This 19-item assessment helps the patient identify areas in his or her life negatively affected by marijuana use, including social relationships, self-esteem, work/finances, motivation, physical health, memory, and legal problems.

Talking to Your Health Care Provider

Excerpts from the book Medical Marijuana 101 by Mickey Martin, Ed Rosenthal, and Gregory T. Carter, M.D., with an emphasis on information patients can bring to their providers when interested in talking about medicinal cannabis use.

Medicinal Cannabis and Chronic Pain: Information for Patients

Developed as part of this project, this brochure is intended to educate patients considering the use of medicinal cannabis about risks, routes of administration, and safe use.

Patient Dosing Journal


Journal for patients to use when beginning treatment to record dose, frequency of use, pain levels, and functionality. From Healthy Whole Solutions.

Patient Treatment Agreement

A sample agreement, modified from an opioid treatment agreement, for use when establishing a treatment plan and guidelines with your patient.

Authorization Form

Documentation of health care professional’s authorization to engage in the medical use of marijuana in Washington State (as required by RCW 69.51A.010(5). Must be printed on tamper-resistant paper.

Patient Resources Americans for Safe Access


Provider Oriented

RX intake Cannabis

Clinician Checklist Cannabis

Initiating a Cannabis informed practice

Patient Focused Checklist Provider

Informed Consent – Release of Liability Statement

Release of Liability

Approval Document

Initial Medical Assessment of the Patient Asking about Medical Cannabis

Evernote:  Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids (CCiC)

Medical Record Follow Up Form

Evernote  (CCIC)

Follow Up Form

Evernote  (CCIC)


Clinical Decision Tree

This tree can be used to determine whether medicinal cannabis is appropriate for your patient and assist in the development of a treatment plan. Adapted from Grant et al, 2012.


Cannabinoid Checklist

This intake checklist provides a simple outline for patient assessment, cannabinoid initiation, treatment objectives, and follow-up.

Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids


Screening Tools (From UA)

UW Pain Tracker —

 This tool can be used to track improvements in pain-related symptoms over the treatment period.

Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) —

 This 8-item tool, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), screens patients for substance use and related problems.


Behavioral Assessment

Assess risk for dependence and related behavioral issues



Clinical Tools (From UW and CCIC)


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